Keeping North Devon Connected (KNDC) Fund policy 2024-27

Information about the grants including, how to apply, what is needed and decision making.

When grants cannot be given

  • To projects which do not provide any benefit for older people, those with mobility issues or disability, within the North Devon Council area.

  • To organisations involved in Party Politics or promoting political views

  • For activities that promote religious beliefs or pay towards any maintenance or works to a religious building. However, religious organisations can receive grants for the community and social aspects of their activity which do not promote religious beliefs

  • Retrospectively (ie, for expense incurred or purchases made before a grant has been formally offered) or to meet debts or liabilities

  • To organisations that have not complied with the conditions of grants given in the past by North Devon Council

  • For donations, to individuals, or to profit making organisations

  • For projects that should ordinarily be the statutory responsibility of another organisation

  • To Schools or Academies (though PTA groups can apply for funding for extra-curricular activities)

  • For a grant on the behalf of another community group, organisation, club, charity, CIC or voluntary group who has responsibility for delivering the project.  Applications will be accepted from a Town or Parish Council on behalf of an organisation who do not have a constitution or bank account.

  • For the payment of direct staff costs, salaries or wages.

  • For projects or activities outside North Devon District Council area