Keeping North Devon Connected (KNDC) Fund policy 2024-27

Information about the grants including, how to apply, what is needed and decision making.

What is needed to be considered for a grant

The fund is available to community groups,  clubs, charities, One Communities, CIC or voluntary groups operating on a not for profit basis, whose work/project will benefit older people, those with mobility issues or disability.

Organisations applying for a Keeping North Devon Connected Grant must:

  • Have a recognised legal status such as a formal constitution, standing orders or deed of trust

  • Have a clear democratic management structure, e.g. a committee consisting of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer etc.

  • Be legally able to carry out the activities, which should be primarily for the benefit of older people, those with mobility issues or disability, within the North Devon Council area.

  • Where appropriate, have and monitor policies and practices that safeguard children and vulnerable adults 

  • Be financially viable, have clear financial controls, and provide annual accounts.

  • Provide evidence of project costs, in the form of quotes or similar  (as applicable)