What goes in your bin, box or bag?

A guide for what you should put in your bins, boxes, caddies and bags

Green bag (paper and textiles)

A green recycling bag used for paper and textiles

The following items can go in the green bag: 

  • White or coloured paper (not brown paper), including shredded paper
  • White envelopes (windowed or non-windowed)
  • Newspapers, Catalogues and Magazines
  • Telephone books and Junk mail (no plastics)
  • Dry, undamaged clothes
  • Undamaged shoes (in pairs)
  • Undamaged blankets and bedding sheets

You can have up to two green bags per household. You can order replacements using our online form or phone 01271 374776.

We do not collect wrapping paper, wet or worn-out clothes and shoes, duvets, pillows, sleeping bags or heavy curtains.

All recyclable items listed can also be taken to recycling centres in North Devon.