If you are making an objection we can only take into account valid reasons to object. These are known as 'material planning considerations'. Before making an objection you should check that your objection is valid.
What are material planning considerations?
Examples of material planning considerations include, but are not restricted to, the following:
- Highway safety and traffic levels
- Flood risk
- Impact on the appearance of the area
- Design, appearance, layout and materials
- Overlooking and loss of privacy
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Noise, disturbance and smells resulting from the proposed development
- Conservation of buildings, trees and open land
- Need to safeguard the countryside or protected species of plant or animal
- Local/Government Policy and Guidance
Planning Officers cannot take into account matters which are sometimes raised but are not normally planning considerations such as:
- The developer's identity, morals, motives or past record
- The perceived loss of property value
- Loss of a private view
- Inconvenience or other problems caused by building works
- Private neighbour disputes
- Impact on private drainage systems
Please note: it is important to understand that the material considerations relevant to any particular application will need to be weighed in the final decision process according to their seriousness and relative importance.