Pre-application charges

Find out about the cost of various types of pre-application, copies and searches

You can make a pre-application enquiry by completing the online form below. You will need to sign up or log in to My Services to complete the form.

The form can also be used to request a full planning history search or documents for a specific application. 

Make an enquiry 

Fees effective from 1 April 2024

All fees are inclusive of VAT, are payable in advance and apply to gross property numbers.

When a proposal fits into multiple categories, the larger fee will apply.

Fees effective from 1 April 2024
Pre-application advice Types of development Fee for written response and up to one pre-booked site visit/meeting Number of meetings/site visits included in fee (maximum offered at Case Officer discretion) Additional meeting on site or at NDC officers, as agreed by Case Officer (or equivalent written response)
Householder Development Extensions, conservatories, sheds, outbuildings, garages, car ports, driveways, fences, walls, gates, alteration or new access, swimming pools, porches, satellite dishes, solar panels, windows and doors, external wall insulation (all works must be within the boundary or curtilage of the existing house)

£78 (written response only)



One - up to 30 minutes. £90
Non-Residential Development Proposals with no dwellings less than 200 square metres in gross external floor space

£157 (written response only - no meeting/visit)



One - up to 30 minutes £112
Small-scale Minor Development

RESIDENTIAL - one or two dwellings - replacement, change of use (including holiday homes), conversion or erection of 

NON-RESIDENTIAL - less than 499 square metres gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

CHANGE OF USE - building or land - less than 499 square metres in gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

£248 One - up to 30 minutes £112
Minor Development

RESIDENTIAL - between three and nine dwellings - replacement, change of use (including holiday homes), conversion or erection of

NON-RESIDENTIAL - between 500 square metres and 999 square metres gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

CHANGE OF USE - building or land - between 500 square metres and 999 square metres gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

£564 One - up to 1 hour £282
Major Development

RESIDENTIAL - between 10 and 149 dwellings - replacement, change of use (including holiday homes), conversion or erection of

A development site area less than 10 acres (four hectares)


NON-RESIDENTIAL - between 1,000 square metres and 9,999 square metres gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

A development site area between 1,000 square metres and 10 acres (between one and four hectares)


£1,014 Two £507
Large-scale Major

RESIDENTIAL - more than 150 dwellings - replacement, change of use (including holiday homes), conversion or erection of

A development site area larger than 10 acres (four hectares)

NON-RESIDENTIAL - more than 10,000 square metres gross external floor space (commercial, retail, industrial)

A development site area more than 10 acres (four hectares)

Any development requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment

£1,691 Three £789
100% Affordable Housing Scheme All pre-application fees apply; if a full application is made within 12 months of our advice, we will re-credit 50% of any pre-app fee paid See relevant category See relevant category See relevant category
Registered Charities and Town and Parish Council proposals 50% of all fees or charges apply See relevant category See relevant category See relevant category
Facilities for disabled people Where 100% of the development is to advantage disabled people No fee No fee No fee
Wind turbines - Height to tip less than 75 metres   £845 Three £394
Wind turbines - Height to tip more than 75 metres   £1,240 Three £564
Ground-mounted solar (PV) panels - Less than 25 acres (10 hectares)   £845 Three £394
Ground-mounted solar (PV) panels - More than 25 acres (10 hectares)   £1,240 Three £394
Advertisements Signs or advertisements displayed on buildings or land, such as posters, notices, placards, banners, fascia or projecting signs, flag or balloon advertising, pole and canopy signs, advance and directional signs £248 One - up to 30 minutes £112
Listed Buildings and Trees - Householders Repair or maintenance of a listed building enquiries or arboricultural advice sought - one instance only, otherwise other fees and charges will apply Free None £56
Listed Buildings and Trees - Businesses Repair or maintenance of a listed building enquiries or arboricultural advice sought - one instance only, otherwise other fees and charges will apply £84 None £84
Other fees and charges
Other fees and charges More details Fee for a written response Number of meetings included in fee (maximum offered at Case Officer discretion) Fee for additional meetings (meeting offered at Case Officer discretion)
Following our Refusal of Planning Permission Within 12 months of our Refusal Decision Notice. For subsequent discussions or meetings, see relevant category of development type. None None  Free
Agricultural land use enquiry including Agricultural Occupancy Conditions   £56 Not applicable Not applicable
Permitted Development Rights and Use Class enquiries   £56 Not applicable Not applicable
Enforcement advice – No further action Written confirmation to a landowner we will take no further action, following our undertaking an enforcement investigation £75 None  Not applicable
Enforcement advice – Request to withdraw an enforcement notice Response to applications for us to withdraw an enforcement notice and remove the land charges record (inclusive of one site visit - to check compliance)  £135 One - up to 30 minutes £75
Enforcement advice – Confirmation of compliance Written confirmation to a solicitor or landowner that we are satisfied an enforcement notice or listed building consent has been complied with (inclusive of one site visit - to check compliance) £135 One - up to 30 minutes £75
Section 106 Agreement – Confirmation of compliance Written confirmation a S106 term has been complied with (inclusive of one site visit - to check compliance) £135 One - up to 30 minutes £75
Planning history for one address Complete check of records back to 1947, with copy documents for one application number only. £56 Not applicable Not applicable
Planning history search list One site address search history £28 Not applicable Not applicable
Copies of documents for one quoted planning reference Documents provided will be limited to: application form and associated submitted documents, Decision Notice and any associated appeal decision £28 Not applicable Not applicable
Other general planning enquiries requiring a written response   £78 Not applicable Not applicable