Live! in Barnstaple returns to town this March with another series of gigs for the community to enjoy, thanks to the Flourishing Barnstaple initiative.
As with the successful inaugural series in October 2024, each night will feature a different artist at a different Barnstaple venue, shining a light on some of the town's brilliant local independent venues and artists across a range of music styles.
The timetable of the series is:
- Saturday 1 March - Pattern Recognition will perform at Studio KIND in the Pannier Market's Corn Store. Tickets are £5
- Friday 7 March - Alex Hart is performing at JCT27, supported by Raeni Rogers. Tickets are £5
- Saturday 8 March - Southwest Hotel and The Maisonettes are performing at the Golden Lion Tap. Entry is free
- Friday 14 March - The Mama Tokus Trio are performing at Claytons and The Glasshouse. Entry is free
North Devon Council's Cultural Producer, Lee Baxendale said: "Through our Flourishing Barnstaple initiative we are running the Live! series to promote local artists and venues - the events profile a range of artists and music styles, from jazz, to punk, to experimental electronic, so there’s something for everyone! The events are also either free or a £5 ticket, which hopefully encourages people to come out and try something new."
Live! In Barnstaple is part of Flourishing Barnstaple, a North Devon Council initiative, which is funded by Arts Council England.
Full details for the events can be found online at https://www.barnstaple.co.uk/whats-on.