Devon's district council leaders have issued a joint statement on devolution and local government reorganisation.
National government signalled in December 2024 its intent to end the current system of district and county councils and smaller unitary councils. Instead, these are to be replaced by unitary councils covering much larger areas, with a guideline minimum population of 500,000 people.
We are proud of our track record in delivering high quality and cost-effective public services. Each of our councils is well established and has, over many years, built a connection with local communities such that we understand how best to tailor the delivery of these services to meet the needs of local residents.
We are also very concerned that the Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) as stipulated by government including the timetable runs the real risk of financial unsustainability from inception. The most significant funding challenges facing the people of Devon concern Adult and Children Social Care, SEND, and NHS funding. Government proposals address none of these, but rather risks uprooting the very organisations holding the line today.
However, it is our duty to respond to answer national government’s demand for structural change through LGR.
We are united in our belief that the interests of the nearly 1 million people of Devon and Torbay will not best be served by a single ‘mega’ council covering the entirety of this area. As districts, we have therefore reached initial agreement to work towards the formation of two new councils that combine our existing areas as follows;
· A unitary combining the South Hams, Teignbridge and West Devon areas with Torbay
· A unitary including East, Mid and North Devon alongside Torridge district and the City of Exeter
There is considerable further work to do to develop these proposals. We want to maintain local distinctiveness whilst seeking to secure ongoing service improvements. We are having to move at pace to meet the initial deadline set by national government for Interim Plans to be submitted by 21 March. Final decisions on the content of the interim plans will continue to be made by individual councils and we will engage with all our Devon council colleagues on an ongoing basis. We are mindful that the LGR process is fast-changing still and until submission date further options may need to be considered in addition to the currently preferred option.
We are in active dialogue with Torbay Council concerning the potential for a new unitary council covering a wider geography encompassing the 4 areas described above.
We also recognise that Plymouth City will be looking to change their boundaries, which is a matter for government to decide on.
We are resolute in our shared commitment to engaging with our residents, partners and stakeholders to help shape these proposals going forward. This includes in the period through to November and the submission of final proposals. We will provide ongoing updates as we reach key milestones.
Cllr David Clayton, North Devon Council
Cllr Paul Arnott, East Devon District Council
Cllr Luke Taylor, Mid Devon District Council
Cllr Julian Brazil, South Hams District Council
Cllr Richard Keeling, Teignbridge District Council
Cllr Ken James, Torridge District Council
Cllr Mandy Ewings, West Devon Borough Council