Applications are now open for a new North Devon Council fund which aims to tackle isolation.
The Keeping North Devon Connected fund has been created in the wake of the closure of Go North Devon, which provided services for older people, those with mobility issues and people with disabilities.
The fund has been set up to allocate Go North Devon's excess funds to groups providing similar services for the benefit of older people, or those with mobility issues or disabilities, and to help keep communities connected within the North Devon Council area.
Applications for a grant of up to £5,000 are welcomed from community groups, clubs, charities, One Communities, CIC or voluntary groups and will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
Grants may be offered to support an organisation's running costs in providing services to the community, or towards the costs of events, activities, projects and transport involving older people, or those with mobility issues or disabilities.
Leader of North Devon Council, Councillor Ian Roome, says: "The Keeping North Devon Connected Fund is a fantastic opportunity for local groups to continue the legacy of Go North Devon. We're committed to ensuring older people, and those with mobility issues or disabilities, remain connected and supported within our communities.
"Grants are available for a variety of purposes, so if your group has a project that can make a real difference, I encourage you to apply."
For more information and to apply, visit the Keeping North Devon Connected Fund page on the council's website.