Call for North Devon businesses to work alongside the new Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority

Devon County Council and Torbay Council logos

North Devon businesses are being encouraged to apply for a place on a Business Advisory Group following the creation of a Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA). This follows a Devolution Agreement by the Government to give devolved powers to Devon and Torbay in some areas of local government administration.

The devolution deal transfers new powers and funding to the Devon and Torbay CCA to support businesses and residents across those areas. The deal will also enable the Devon and Torbay CCA to take responsibility for services that are best delivered at a strategic level, giving local leaders more control and influence over the levers of local growth, including devolution of the Adult Education Budget.

New structures are now being set up to support the CCA, including the proposal of a Business Advisory Group for Devon and Torbay. The Group will provide a meaningful role in developing, implementing, and monitoring the CCA’s economic strategy, as well as setting annual priorities, securing investment and designing appropriate programmes to address business needs. In addition, the Group will provide expertise, insight, intelligence, and evidence from businesses to support the growth and economic ambitions of Devon and Torbay. Businesses are being ‘recruited’ to the Advisory Group via an open recruitment call.

Head of Place, Property and Regeneration at North Devon Council Sarah-Jane Mackenzie-Shapland said: "Devolution moves decision-making closer to the citizen, making it more democratic, so this is a really positive move for the community and businesses of North Devon. The CCA is looking for a good geographical spread for representation across the county, so in order that North Devon businesses can contribute most directly to decisions, we urge them to consider applying for a place on the Advisory Board."

The initial recruitment and selection process will seek representation from:

  • business representative organisations (up to two)
  • social enterprise business
  • charitable or voluntary sector
  • high tech business sector
  • tourism sector
  • rural farming, food and drink and land-based sector
  • fishing sector
  • digital sector
  • creative, culture and heritage sector
  • marine and maritime sector
  • environmental technologies and energy sector
  • advanced manufacturing sector
  • construction sector
  • health and life sciences
  • professional services

The recruitment process for these roles can be found at The deadline for submitting an application is Friday 7 June 2024. For businesses interested in applying, the website provides contact details for officers from Devon County Council involved in the recruitment process. Alternatively, interested businesses can contact Dominie Dunbrook at North Devon Council to discuss by email to