About the e-scooter trial

Read about the e-scooter trial taking place in North Devon

In partnership with Zipp Mobility, we are running a short (hop-on hop-off) and long term rental e-scooter trial, offering North Devon residents and visitors a carbon-neutral, flexible and cost-effective alternative to other modes of transport.

E-scooters provide an outdoor mode of transport which is  convenient, affordable and flexible for point-to-point journeys. In line with our commitment to tackle the climate emergency, the scooters have a lower environmental footprint, with huge potential to improve air quality and reduce climate change. They also offer a sustainable solution to tackling transport challenges in North Devon.

How to use an e-scooter

Anyone wanting to hire an e-scooter must:

  • be more than 16 years old
  • hold at least a provisional driving licence

To hire the e-scooters on short term rental you need to download the Zipp Mobility app on your smart phone:

Before your first ride you must take a photo of your driving licence and upload it to the Zipp app along with a selfie to verify your identity. Once verified (less than one minute) you can ride an e-scooter.

Our stakeholders

Stakeholders for the e-scooter trial are Devon and Cornwall Police, North Devon District Hospital, Petroc, Royal National Institute of Blind People and Barnstaple Town Council.


We have been consulted and engaged with disability groups, Devon and Cornwall Police, Barnstaple Town Council/Committee and community boards to ensure high levels of safety for all.

Additional measures will be used, including:

  • all users will have to undertake a mandatory training session before they ride (either in person or via the app) and they will be encouraged to wear a helmet
  • the speed limit is 15.5mph, as set by the DfT. We will also introduce lower speed zones in specific locations for safety reasons
  • geo-fencing will be used to control the trial zones, ensuring we can dictate where the scooters can go; users who go outside these areas will find the scooter will slow down and stop so they cannot progress further
  • the scooters are bright yellow to make it easier for people with impaired vision to detect them
  • the scooters are fitted with a bell
  • each scooter is fitted with front and rear lights that are activated whenever the scooter is being used
  • a kickstand is fitted to ensure the scooter stands up when parked
  • scooters are fitted with registration numbers so they can be easily identified

Customer support is available between 5am to 11.30pm via the Zipp Mobility app (search Zipp mobility on your app provider) to enable people to report issues. This includes abandoned e-scooters, riding on pavements or other incidents.


  • Prices: £1 unlock and 20 pence per minute
  • Week pass: £20
  • Month pass: £30