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Our aspirations for the future
We are proud of what we have achieved in recent years, working together and with the community to bring about improvements in the district. All aspects of our work are carried out within the framework of a corporate plan, which sets out how we will play our part in making North Devon a place where people want to live, learn, work and visit. We have four priorities:
Financial security
We will reduce the reliance on core funding government grant whilst maintaining financial security by managing the council in a prudent manner, taking opportunities to increase income and by being risk aware and not risk adverse.
We will strategically plan and deliver housing provision to try to meet local needs and to tackle the widening imbalance between supply and demand and increase the availability of decent, affordable and accessible accommodation for residents in need.

Climate and environment
To protect and enhance our natural environment and to promote sustainable practices, reduce carbon emissions, tackle climate change and protect biodiversity within the council's jurisdiction.
Pride of place and prosperity
To promote economic development, support the regeneration of our Places and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors by making North Devon a more attractive, vibrant and successful area.
People Matter
To be seen as a vibrant, attractive employer by being an ambitious and caring council that develops and looks after its communities and delivers excellent customer focused services that meet the needs of residents.
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