Contamination of land arises mainly from industrial processes, waste disposal and accidental spillage of contaminants. If not dealt with adequately, it can pose a threat to human health, the environment and sustainable economic development.
We are responsible for ensuring that:
- land is suitable for its current use
- land is made suitable for any new use, as official permission is given for that new use
- remediation of contaminated land is to a standard suitable to the current use or officially permitted future use of the land
- it leads by example when managing ground contamination and its own land holdings
In accordance with section 78R of The Environmental Protection Act (1990), we must maintain a register of all regulatory action we have undertaken in respect to the remediation of contaminated land. To date, North Devon Council has made no entry on this register.
Any new information will be added to the register as soon as reasonably practicable.
North Devon Council has a Contaminated Land Strategy, which can be viewed on request.