Police and Crime Commissioner election 2 May 2024

Police and Crime Commissioner election 2 May 2024

Local Result and Candidates for North Devon


Candidate Name Description of Candidate Votes
HERNANDEZ, Alison Conservative Candidate - More Police, Safer Streets 6605
LODGE, Steve Liberal Democrats - For a fair deal 4006
STEEL, Daniel John Labour and Co-operative Party 3093
  Spoilt papers 157

Verification Statement

Number of ballot paper issued at polling stations
Number of postal ballot papers received 6340
Total ballot papers expected 13861
Number of ballot papers verified 13860
Variance -1
Electorate 78282
% Turnout 17.7%


Full Result and Candidates for Devon and Cornwall


Candidate Name Description of Candidate Votes
HERNANDEZ, Alison Conservative Candidate - More Police, Safer Streets 131,764 ELECTED
LODGE, Steve Liberal Democrats - For a fair deal 64,790
STEEL, Daniel John Labour and Co-operative Party 107,897
  Overall turnout 22.5%


Voter ID Statistics

Total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations  67084
Data for publication Number
The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper 47
The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper (VIDEF 3b + 4b) 31
The number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper BY CLOSE OF POLL 16
Contextual information  Number 
The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations  67084
The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations  7521
The percentage of electors eligible to vote in person at the polling stations who voted 11.2%
Proportions - of those who tried to vote in a polling station  Percent
% attended the polling station and were able to vote on 2 May 99.8%
% who applied for but were refused a ballot paper by the close of poll  0.2%
The percentage of electors who applied for, but were initially refused, a ballot paper 0.6%
Of the electors initially refused a ballot paper, the percentage who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper 66.0%