Local Result and Candidates for North Devon
Candidate Name | Description of Candidate | Votes |
HERNANDEZ, Alison | Conservative Candidate - More Police, Safer Streets | 6605 |
LODGE, Steve | Liberal Democrats - For a fair deal | 4006 |
STEEL, Daniel John | Labour and Co-operative Party | 3093 |
Spoilt papers | 157 |
Verification Statement
Number of ballot paper issued at polling stations |
7521 |
Number of postal ballot papers received | 6340 |
Total ballot papers expected | 13861 |
Number of ballot papers verified | 13860 |
Variance | -1 |
Electorate | 78282 |
% Turnout | 17.7% |
Full Result and Candidates for Devon and Cornwall
Candidate Name | Description of Candidate | Votes |
HERNANDEZ, Alison | Conservative Candidate - More Police, Safer Streets | 131,764 ELECTED |
LODGE, Steve | Liberal Democrats - For a fair deal | 64,790 |
STEEL, Daniel John | Labour and Co-operative Party | 107,897 |
Overall turnout | 22.5% |
Voter ID Statistics
Total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations | 67084 |
Data for publication | Number |
The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper | 47 |
The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper (VIDEF 3b + 4b) | 31 |
The number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper BY CLOSE OF POLL | 16 |
Contextual information | Number |
The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations | 67084 |
The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations | 7521 |
The percentage of electors eligible to vote in person at the polling stations who voted | 11.2% |
Proportions - of those who tried to vote in a polling station | Percent |
% attended the polling station and were able to vote on 2 May | 99.8% |
% who applied for but were refused a ballot paper by the close of poll | 0.2% |
The percentage of electors who applied for, but were initially refused, a ballot paper | 0.6% |
Of the electors initially refused a ballot paper, the percentage who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper | 66.0% |