The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows us and other local authorities to raise funds for infrastructure needed in the area when developers carry out new building projects, by asking them for contributions towards it. The money can be used to help fund a wide range of infrastructure including new or safer road schemes, flood defences, schools, health facilities, park improvements, green spaces and leisure centres.
The CIL is charged as a fixed tariff per square metre of new floor space. We set our own tariff in consultation with local communities and developers. It is then tested through an independent examination. It provides developers with much more certainty before starting a development project about how much money they will be expected to contribute.
We consulted on a revised draft CIL charging schedule, along with the associated Regulation 123 List in January 2017.
We are now waiting for updated government guidance to be published following a national CIL review before continuing work on the CIL for North Devon.