Our corporate plan (PDF 3.77 MB), is one of the council’s most important documents because it sets out how we will play our part in making North Devon a place where people want to live, learn, work and visit.
This corporate plan sets out our medium-term ambitions over the next four years and future potential for our district. As a council we have an ambitious range of priorities and actions that are necessary to deliver them.
The Corporate Plan now includes an overall vision:
“North Devon will be a sustainable, inclusive community; fostering prosperity and well being for all”
It also contains five priorities:
- Financial Security – to reduce our reliance on core government funding, increase income and be risk aware not risk averse.
- Housing – to plan and deliver housing provision to meet local needs and to increase the availability of decent, affordable and accessible accommodation.
- Climate and Environment – to protect and enhance the natural environment, tackle climate change and protect biodiversity.
- Pride of Place and Prosperity – to promote economic development, support the regeneration of our Places and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors by making North Devon more attractive, vibrant and successful.
- People Matter – to be seen as a vibrant, attractive employer by being an ambitious and caring council that develops and looks after its communities and delivers excellent customer focussed services that meet the needs of residents.