As part of the Council’s responsibilities under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, the Council provides a number of datasets of information covering all service units in a re-usable format. The Council is always looking at the information it holds and produces with a view to publishing for the benefit of its customers. As well as showing accountability to the public, it is hoped that developers will be encouraged to re-use the data in new products and applications to create business opportunities and drive economic growth.
The datasets are provided in CSV format to facilitate re-use. They are issued under the appropriate Open Government Licence (OGL). When re-using the information, you are required to attribute North Devon District Council and include the date off publication on our website, as required.
If you experience any difficulties in accessing any of the datasets, please contact Legal Services, 01271 388231 or e-mail
View North Devon Council Open Data
Open Government Licence
Unless otherwise stated, the data is licensed under the Open Government Licence. This means that you do not need permission to use or re-use the data.