Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)

What is a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)?

A DPIA is a process which allows the Council to identify and reduce the privacy risks of a project. An effective DPIA will be used throughout the development and implementation of a project, using existing project management processes.  A DPIA enables the Council to systematically and thoroughly analyse how a particular project or system will affect the privacy of individuals involved.  DPIA guidance is available on the Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO) website.

List of DPIAs

Since June 2018 the Council have undertaken the following DPIAs.
Anti-social behaviour application – September 2018
Legal Case Management System (Iken) – September 2018
Communications software (Granicus) – November 2018
Council office CCTV – May 2019
Committee Management software (ModernGov) – July 2019
Crematorium audio visual system – July 2019
Body Worn Cameras – January 2022
Small Craft Safety Registration Scheme – July 2023
Online absent vote applications – October 2023
AVC Wise – December 2023
Barnstaple Town Centre CCTV – December 2023
Crematorium CCTV – December 2023
Waste Vehicles CCTV – December 2023
Museum CCTV – January 2024
Ilfracombe Harbour CCTV – February 2024

Request a copy

To request a copy of a completed DPIA you can submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to  You can also write to us at:

Freedom of Information Officer
Legal Services
North Devon Council
PO Box 379
Barnstaple  EX32 2GR