FOI and EIR Disclosure logs

View all North Devon Council FOI and EIR disclosure logs

These disclosure logs provide an overview of how the council responds to the requests it receives each month under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

If you are thinking of submitting a request to the Council, please do check the following logs first as you may find that the information is already publicly available within the logs or on the website.

If you require further information on any of the responses that have been issued, please e-mail; quote the appropriate reference number.

Please note the information contained in the logs is correct at the date of response and the information may have been updated after this date. 

Disclosure Log - January 2024

Request reference: FOI 9524

Issue date: 15.01.24

Request received: 

How many families are currently in temporary accommodation in the North Devon area?

How many of those families in temporary accommodation include children?

Disclosure Log - February 2024

Request reference: FOI 9578

Issue date: 06.02.24

Request received: 

A list in Excel of all planning applications submitted on or after 1st January 2022 where no decision was made within 26 weeks (unless a longer period has/had been agreed in writing between the applicant and the Local Authority) and no refund of fees has been made to date. The information should be provided in the following columns:

Disclosure Log - March 2024

Request reference: FOI 9635

Issue date: 01.03.24

Request received: 

1. The number of times the authority has refunded planning application fees to developers who had waited more than 26 weeks for a decision without other agreements or exemptions being put in place, as per the Government’s 2013 implementation of these rules

Disclosure Log - April 2024

Request reference: EIR 9695

Issue date: 05.04.24

Request received: 

Copies of pre-application enquiry documents and relating internal and external correspondence for ENQ/0525/2022 and ENQ/0959/2020

Disclosure Log - May 2024

Request reference: FOI 9794

Issue date: 23.05.24

Request received: 

Information in relation to your authority’s policies and practices in providing refunds under the planning guarantee legislation (Regulation 9A of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012) and more recent iterations

Disclosure Log - June 2024

Request reference: FOI 9835

Issue date: 04.06.24

Request received: 

1. How much money received via Section 106 agreements is currently held, unspent, by the local planning authority?

2. How much of this figure (Q1) is allocated for:

a) Affordable housing provision

b) Highways/roads

c) Schools and education contributions

d) Social infrastructure (e g recreation, open spaces, play areas)

e) Health and social care services

Disclosure Log - July 2024

Request reference: FOI 9943

Issue date: 19.07.24

Request received: 

All information not already published by the Council the Planning Tracker for Planning Application 77576 from 01.12.23 to and including 31.05.24

Disclosure Log - August 2024

Request reference: FOI 9922

Issue date: 01.08.24

Request received: 

Please provide the data for three (3) time periods: end of March 2024, end of June 2023, end of March 2023

1a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in temporary accommodation

1b. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 weeks

1c. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 months

Disclosure Log - September 2024

Request reference: FOI 9955 

Issue date: 19.09.24

Request received:

Figures on the success in obtaining uniform rates from empty shops in the Green Lane shopping centre since the Council purchased it. The applicant requested to know that the landlord responsible for the empty shops is paying the Non Uniform business rates due

Disclosure Log - October 2024

Request reference: FOI 10113

Issue date: 03.10.24

Request received: 

1. Details of any pay increases by percentage for employees of North Devon Council for 2022/23 and 2023/24. If different grades have been awarded different increases, then please provide all information

2. Salary details for the Chief Executive and all senior officers for 2022/23 and 2023/24