Disclosure Log - February 2025

Request reference: FOI 10306

Issue date: 13.02.25

Request received: 

During the calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 to date:

1. How many dogs/cats entered your local authority pounds (also known as kennels or animal shelters) in your area?

2. How many of these dogs/cats were euthanised?

3. For each dog/cat that was euthanised can you provide the breed, age, gender, microchip status and reason for euthanasia? 

4. How many were reclaimed by their owners?

5. a) How many were passed to a welfare organisation. 

    b) What checks do you make on the welfare organisation prior to sending dogs to rescue? 

    c) What is the criteria for being an accepted as a local authority welfare organisation?

6. In relation to question 5 How many dogs and cats were subsequently rehomed and how many were euthanised at the rescue/rehoming/kennel facility? 

7. What is the amount of money spent euthanizing dogs during the dates stated above?

8. What is the amount of money spent on vets fees, not including euthanasia during the dates stated above? 

9. Please supply figures for the number of dogs seized as a banned breed type under the Dangerous Dogs Act during the dates stated above. Please provide breed details, gender, age, microchip status and reason for euthanasia.

10. In relation to question 9 how many dogs were euthanised, how many were returned to their owners, new homes or rescue organisations/sanctuaries. 

11. What is the amount of money spent on the boarding of banned breed dogs and associated veterinary costs including euthanasia?

12. Please provide full details of your contracts for the management of "stray" animals, including key performance indicators and the amounts paid under this contract. Please provide full disclosure of euthanasia records. This will include but not limited to:

Number of dogs/cats collected

Number of dogs/cats reunited within 24 hours

Number of dogs/cats reunited after 24 hours and before 7 clear days

Number of dogs/cats re-homed

Number of dogs/cats euthanised including: Breed, Sex, Microchip Number, Age, Reason for Euthanasia, How body disposed

13. Please include and specify full details of dogs surrendered, rehomed or euthanised via the RSPCA, vet practices and local police authorities

14. In addition we request a breakdown on the disposal of animals’ euthanised during the above years into categories and descriptions including but not limited to:

Individual cremation 

Communal cremation 

Individual burial 

Communal burial 

Carcasses donated and to whom 

Carcasses sold and to whom and payments made

15. Since 10 June 2024 it has been a legal requirement to microchip cats. We request the following information:

16. Do you provide cats with the same 7 day holding period as dogs to give time for owners to be located? 

17. On completion of a 7 day holding period does the cat become the property of the local authority?

18. How do you proceed with rehoming? 

19. If no holding period or facility is available please provide answers to the questions below:-

a) Why?

b) What happens to microchipped and non-microchipped cats who are believed to be strays? 

c) Do local vet practices contact you for stray facilities? 

d) What is your policy relating to deceased cats? Please provide details of scanning microchips, logging information, reunification procedures and disposal methods

Response provided:

Prior to the Council’s response being issued (as set out below), the request was clarified and narrowed in scope as agreed with the applicants due to the amount of time the information was taking to gather by the Environmental Protection team, therefore the applicants confirmed that they would be content for the Council to concentrate on Q1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 7 and 8 only but that Q1, 2, 3 and 5 would be the most important questions to them to be answered

The Council confirmed that it does hold some of this information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council’s Environmental Protection team provided the following response with regards to dogs only as they do not deal with cats:

  1. 2020 = 21

2021 = 17

2022 = 16

2023 = 14

2024 = 16

  1. 2020 = 0

2021 = 0

2022 = 1

2023 = 0

2024 = 3

  1. Mastiff X Greyhound - 9 - Male - Chipped - unable to contact owner despite calls and personal visit, unable to rehome as the dog had killed another dog

Pocket Bulldog - unknown - Female - Chipped - unable to trace owner, unable to rehome because of breed of dog, lack of antecedents, and ‘cropped ears’

XL Bully type - unknown - Male - Chipped - unable to trace owner, unable to rehome because of dog breed

XL Bully - 2 - Female - Not Chipped - unable to trace owner, unable to rehome because of dog breed

  1. 2020 = 19

2021 = 13

2022 = 14

2023 = 12

2024 = 4

  1. a) 2020 = 0

    2021 = 1

    2022 = 2

                2023 = 1

                2024 = 2

5. b) and c) The Environmental Protection teams rehoming strategy is that it only passes dogs to reputable and established organisations such as The Dogs Trust, Battersea or associated rescue centres and The RSPCA. It remains aloof from the rehoming process by design and do not have a criteria for selecting potential rehoming options other than this. It has at times made direct contact with breed specific National Rescue organisations and have made cursory background checks to ensure they are beyond reproach as far as possible, and they have been subject to a local authority licensing assessment, or other form of accreditation as is appropriate

6. Once the dog has been handed over to a welfare organisation, the team would close its case so would not hold information about what subsequently happened to the dogs

7. 2020 = £0

    2021 = £0

    2022 = £185.52

    2023 = £0

    2024 = £331.00

8. 2020 = This information is not recorded as records are no longer fully held

    2021 = This information is not recorded as records are no longer fully held

    2022 = £206.54

    2023 = £230.87

    2024 = £611.46 

Request reference: FOI 10321

Issue date: 04.02.25

Request received: 

1. How many days of paid and/or unpaid leave per year can staff who are carers take?

2. When were the last changes made to the hours/days registered carers can take and what change was made?

3. Is your organisation a Carer Confident employer?

4. How many staff members are registered carers in your organisation?

5. How many days of paid and/or unpaid carer’s leave were taken on average per registered carer in 2023 and 2024?

6. Was an Equality Impact Assessment completed for the policy?

7. Was the policy reviewed alongside related policies, such as flexible working arrangements?

8. Do managers receive training on the nature of being a carer and how best to support staff’s individual needs?

9. If there is training, is it mandatory?

10. Is there a Carers Network in the organisation? If there is, does it have a senior sponsor and what is their role within the organisation?

11. Please provide a copy of your carers leave policy as a PDF and email/direct me to the policy. If there is not a stand-alone document, please provide the policies that contain and reference this, such as special leave or time off for dependents and a copy/link.

12. Was the carer’s leave policy, or the policies that contain and reference this, co-produced with staff?

Response provided:

1. As per the Council’s Family Friendly Policy, one weeks unpaid leave in a twelve month period

2. April 2024 to take into effect changes to the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 which came into effect on 6th April 2024

3. No, the Council is a Carer Friendly Devon organisation

4. This information is not recorded

5. This information is not recorded

6. It was an amendment/update to the Council’s existing Family Friendly policy

7. The following wording from the policy is provided as follows:

Whilst on the one hand it does not have an additional paid leave entitlement, on the other hand it offers, wherever possible, to agree individual flexible arrangements with employees with caring responsibilities

8. The Council has provided a short session to Managers, delivered by ‘Care for Carers’ which raised awareness of unpaid carers, caring responsibilities, and how they can further support carers in the workplace, as well as some of the support available to them – via Care for Carers

9. The session was not mandatory, but was delivered at one of our Managers Forums which we do ask all managers to attend as a matter of course, sessions are also recorded so they may catch up if missed

10. The Council does not have a carer’s network, but it is a carer friendly employer, and provide training sessions to carers within the workplace, and through this encourage them to network

11. Section from the Family Friendly Policy as follows:

18. Carer’s Leave

Nationally one in nine in the workforce are presently caring for someone who is older, disabled or seriously ill.  We recognise that juggling paid work and caring can present real problems for them

We also know that caring is an issue which faces all of us.  Changing demographics and an ageing population mean that three in five people will end up caring for someone at some point in their lives

The Council has a sympathetic and pragmatic approach to employees requiring time off work on the grounds of caring responsibilities

Whilst on the one hand it does not have an additional paid leave entitlement, on the other hand it offers, wherever possible, to agree individual flexible arrangements with employees with caring responsibilities

The Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 came into force on 6 April 2024

18.1 This right allows you to be absent to provide or arrange care for a dependant who has a long-term care need

A dependant is defined as:

• a spouse, civil partner, child or parent 

• someone who lives in the same household as you, other than a boarder, lodger or tenant, or 

• someone who reasonably relies on you to provide or arrange care

A person has a long-term care need if:

• they have an illness or injury (whether physical or mental) that requires, or is likely to require, care for more than three months

• they have a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010, or

• they require care for a reason connected with their old age

18.2 Leave entitlement

The entitlement is to one week’s unpaid leave in a 12-month period. This can be taken in blocks from as little as half a day to one continuous week

For the purposes of carer’s leave, a week is the period of time that you are normally required to work during a week (running Monday to Sunday) under your contract

18.3 Notice

If you want to take any of your carer’s leave entitlement, you must give your manager notice setting out the fact that you are entitled to carer’s leave and have not exhausted your carer’s entitlement. The notice must specify the times that you wish to take this leave and must be provided before the ‘relevant date’. This will be the date that falls either twice as many days as the amount of leave requested before the first day of leave or three days before, depending on which is earlier

18.4 Postponing leave

We cannot require you to provide evidence about entitlement in relation to a request before granting the leave

We can ask you to postpone taking carer’s leave if we believe the operation of our business would be unduly disrupted but we must consult with you about a postponed date which should be no later than one month after the first day of the leave period originally requested. We must then give you a notice setting out the reason for the postponement and the agreed new date(s) for the leave. This notice must be provided as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than whichever is the earlier of seven days after your notice was given to us or before the first date in that notice

18.5 Protection from detriment and unfair dismissal

You will be protected from detrimental treatment by us due to the fact that you took, sought to take or we believed that you were likely to take, carer’s leave. If you are dismissed or selected for redundancy for these reasons, you will be able to claim automatic unfair dismissal

12.       Agreed with Unison

Request reference: FOI 10325

Issue date: 06.02.25

Request received: 

1. On average, how many planners at senior or management level did your local authority employ in the financial years (a) 2017/18, (b) 2019/20, (c) 2021/22 and d) 2023/24? This would include senior/principal planners, team leaders and chief planners/heads. If not able to express as an average, perhaps you could confirm the headcount at a specific date or at year-end

2. How many ecologists does your local authority currently directly employ? As well as ecologists/senior ecologists, this would include planning ecologists and biodiversity officers

3. What are the job titles of the ecologists the local authority currently directly employs?

4. How many ecologists left their role between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024?

5. On average, how many ecologists did your local authority directly employ in the financial years (a) 2017/18, (b) 2019/20, and (c) 2021/22? Again, if not able to express as an average, perhaps you could confirm the headcount at a specific date or at year-end

6. On average, how many ecologists at senior or management level did you directly employ in (a) 2017/18, (b) 2019/20 and (c) 2021/22? Again, if not able to express as an average, perhaps you could confirm the headcount at a specific date or at year-end

Response provided:

1. As follows:

A 2017/18 = this data is no longer held

B 2019/20 =10

C 2021/22 = 10

D 23/24 = 9

2. One Sustainability Officer

3. As 2. Above

4. Not Applicable

5. The Council’s Sustainability Officer has been employed with the authority since 2006 in their role directly involved in Planning, Ecology and Biodiversity for all of the requested time frames

Request reference: FOI 10337

Issue date: 05.02.25

Request received: 

The applicant requested the contamination rates for household waste processed by the council/local authority from April 2023 until the most recent available data update

Primarily this should include how much household waste is taken for recycling purposes and then how much of this waste is in fact recycled

This should also include how much household waste is sent for incineration and/or landfill

Response provided:

The Council does not record contamination rates for household waste. The Council uses a Statistics, payments and recharges spreadsheet provided to the Council by Devon County Council to collate monthly waste and recycling tonnages; used for recycling credit claims between the authority and Devon County Council, therefore they have assisted in providing the following data:

23/24= Total household (kerbside) recycling materials collected* = 16808.502t

24/25 (Q1 and Q2 only) = Total household (kerbside) recycling materials collected* = 10035.981t

*includes – glass, paper, card, aluminium cans, steel cans, plastics, textiles and shoes, WEE (LDA), WEE (SDA), food waste, garden waste

23/24 = Residual (household - black bin) waste sent for incineration = 20013.306t

24/25 (Q1 and Q2 only) = Residual (household - black bin) waste sent for incineration = 10387.546t

Request reference: FOI 10340

Issue date: 18.02.25

Request received: 

Enter Request Text  

Response provided:

1. The Council does not hold an approved list of suppliers of temporary accommodation that it procures from

2. A spreadsheet with this information was provided to the applicant (which is available upon request) with some of the information has been redacted. The Council considers that this redacted information to be exempt under Section 40 of the Act as the information constitutes personal data and those individual(s) would have no reasonable expectation for the Council to make their personal information publicly available, as a disclosure to a requester under the Act is also a disclosure to the world at large, and places the information into the public domain for all to see

Section 40(2) provides that personal data is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3A), (3B) or (4A) is satisfied. In this case Section 40(3A)(A) is met because disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle contained in the General Data Protection Regulation. This is an absolute exemption and there is therefore no requirement to consider the public interest. 

3. None 

4. Westcountry Maintenance Service

     Dan Perrin Landscapes/Estate Maintenance

     Grills Renovations and Refurbishments Ltd

     Jed Mason Plumbing and Heating

    James Electrics Contracting Ltd

    D.S. Electrical

    M and E Alarms

    A and B Contractors

   Canning and Son Ltd

5. As 2 above

6. As 2 above 

7. As 2 above 

8, 9 and 10. The Council manages its own supply of temporary accommodation in house, therefore there was no spend in the requested years 

Request reference: FOI 10341

Issue date: 07.02.25

Request received: 

The amount of money spent on storage for people living in temporary accommodation in 2024

(Specifically, this is people who are living in temporary accommodation and have had their furniture or belongings put into storage while they wait to be re-housed)

Response provided:

The council confirmed that it did not spend any money on storage for people living in temporary accommodation in 2024

Request reference: FOI 10349

Issue date: 03.02.25

Request received: 

1. The total spending on consultants in the financial year 2023/24

2. A list of the consultants the Council paid during the financial year 2023/24 giving a breakdown of how much each one was paid and, if possible, a brief description of each project they were working on

Response provided:

The applicant was provided with a spreadsheet that provides the requested information where it is recorded with all personal data redacted throughout in accordance with Section 40 of the Act (personal data). The applicant was advised that the Council does not have a specific cost code to which it records consultancy spend against, therefore some payments within the data are not for consultancy but falls under the wider remit of External Professional Services. The only way in which the Council would be able to provide a more accurate response would require Finance to manually go through 535 applicable invoices for the requested year and also make further enquiries with officers where any queries might arise. Finance would need to spend anywhere between 3 and 5 minutes checking each applicable invoice, considering whether it falls within the remit of the request alone. It is not possible for the Accountancy team to determine how much longer would be needed to follow up any queries resulting from going through those invoices

Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information

It has been estimated that it would take anywhere between 26 and 44 hours (based on 850 invoices taking approximately 3 to 5 minutes to check). The procedure would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Council’s Finance team and therefore the applicant was informed that the Council is unable to process this part of their request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act 

Request reference: FOI 10350

Issue date: 14.02.25

Request received: 

1. How many temporary staff/contractors were employed by the Council's Planning Department during the last two years (January 2023 until January 2025). This includes planning and enforcement staff at all grades (i e validation, trainee, planner, senior planner, principal planner, team leader and DM/Service managers). Please also specify the number of contractors to each level

2. How much money was spent by the Council on temporary staff/contractors within the planning department during the last two years (January 2023 until January 2025)?

3. Do you have a managed service provider for the provision of temporary agency staff? If so, please provide the name and the date the contract ends

4. If you don't have a managed service provider in place for the provision of temporary recruitment agency staff, which recruitment agencies do you use and on what basis were they awarded?

Response provided:

1. Seven in total: Senior Planning Officer = Two

                    Student Planning Officer = One

                    Senior enforcement Officer = Two

                    Planning Officer = Two

2. £511,650

3. Yes, the Council uses Comensura which is the only managed service provider for the provision of temporary agency staff for planning and enforcement officers

4. N/A

Request reference: FOI 10352

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

The following for each of the years 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024:

1. Did commercial dog walkers need a licence to operate in your area?

2. If yes to question 1, what was the maximum number of dogs a commercial dog walker could exercise at any one time?

3. If yes to question 1, how many individuals held a current, valid licence to operate as a commercial dog walker in your area?

4. If yes to question 1, were any licenses for commercial dog walkers been revoked? If yes, please provide details of the reason(s) for revoking. 

5. If no to question 1, is the authority considering introducing licences for commercial dog walkers in the next 12 months?

Response provided:

1. No in each of the requested years. In the lead up to the Council’s renewal of its dog control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) on 1 January 2024, a voluntary registration scheme and code of practice was approved. Further details are published on the Council’s website: Professional dog walking

2. No, however the Council’s dog control PSPO does place a restriction on the number of dogs that can be walked/exercised at any time (point (3) on the order)

3. N/A, however the Council does published a list of approved dog walking businesses

4. No

5. No

Request reference: FOI 10353

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

  1. How many FTE planning officers were directly employed by your council in 2010/11?
  2. How many FTE planning officers were directly employed by your council in 2015/16?
  3. How many FTE planning officers were directly employed by your council in 2020/21?
  4. How many FTE planning officers are currently directly employed by your council?
  5. What percentage of your planning department is currently fully staffed?
  6. How many FTE vacancies for planning officers is your council currently carrying (if any)?
  7. Do you operate your planning department as a shared service with another council? If so, which council(s)?
  8. How much money was spent by your council on planning services in a) 2010/11 b) 2015/16 c) 2023/24?

Response provided:

1.  The council does not retain this information after six years

2. The Council does not retain this information after six years

3. 12

4. 13

5. 76%

6. Four

7. No

8. a) 2010/11 April 2010 - April 2011 = £678,464.64

    b) 2015/16 April 2015 - April 2016 = £700,351.68

    c) 2023/24 April 2023 - April 2024 = £663,516.00

Request reference: FOI 10354

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

1) How many publicly accessible* swimming pools were there in your local authority area on September 30th 2024?

2) Please name the pools that are currently operating a timetable for public swimming, and provide postcodes for them

3) For each of the pools in Q2, please also provide

a) the year they were built

b) the year they were last fully refurbished – meaning major renovation work, if applicable

4) If a pool was or is temporarily closed please indicate this, or if a pool is earmarked for closure in the near future, please specify if the closure is intended to be temporary or permanent and if possible, provide reasons and dates

If there is other information pertinent to my enquiry please send it or indicate where it is available

*By publicly accessibly pools, those either council owned/operated or those that are owned/operated by a not-for-profit leisure provider which is running the facilities for the community (e g better leisure/fusion etc) and to which you direct members of the public via the Council website/leisure services site

Response provided:

1. Two

2. Tarka Leisure Centre, EX31 2S and Ilfracombe Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre, EX34 9QG

3. 1: 2022 and 2: 1973

4. 1: N/A and 2: 2014

5. 1: N/A and 2: N/A

Request reference: FOI 10355

Issue date: 19.02.25

Request received:

1. The total number of households that are currently being provided with temporary accommodation (TA) by the council up to the date of this request

2. Of the total number of households currently in TA, how many of those households are being housed in a House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO)? 

3. Of those HMOs, how many currently have a valid HMO licence? 

Response provided:

  1. 70 with effect from 18.02.2025
  2. Nil
  3. Not Applicable

Request reference: FOI 10356

Issue date: 18.02.25

Request received: 

1. The cost of councillor's wages for each of the last ten years

2. The process of how these wages are calculated and the process for deciding the level of wages

3. The level of expenses paid to councillors in each of the last ten years 

3. a) Who signs off on these expenses?

4. The amount of expenses that have been claimed by council employees in each of the last five years

5. The land assets value that is owned by the council?

6. The income that is generated by the land owned by the council in the last five years

7. How much land assets has been sold off in the last five years

Response provided:

1, 2 and 3:

Councillors do not received wages, therefore the Council does not hold this information

Councillors receive allowances in accordance with the scheme of Members Allowance and can claim expenses for travel and subsistence for approved duties in accordance with the scheme (Part 6 – Members Allowances Scheme – 2023/24 to 2025/26)

The Council publishes a dataset for Members Allowances (which also includes where expenses have been claimed) on its website dating back to 2007/08. The Scheme of the Members Allowances and expenses are approved by Council Committee and are paid in accordance with the scheme of Members Allowances

4. As follows:

Code: Description 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
09100: Car Allowances - Employees 88,818 23,430 38,606 38,568 40,989
09115: Car Allowances - Lump Sum (Essential Users) 81,002 77,345 73,904 62,371 56,114
  169,820 100,775 112,510 100,939 97,103

5. The total land value as at 31.03.2024 = £46,989,070.47

6. The Council is unable to provide income relating to land, therefore the following relates to Property and Car Park Income:

2023/24 Car Park income £4,215,992, Property Rental Income £1,633,806, Total of both £5,849,798

2022/23 Car Park income £3,512,597, Property Rental Income £1,869,855, Total of both £5,382,452

2021/22 Car Park income £3,219,435, Property Rental Income £1,013,936, Total of both £4,233,371

2020/21 Car Park income £1,603,114, Property Rental Income £569,572, Total of both £2,172,686

2019/20 Car Park income £3,025,491, Property Rental Income £503,006, Total of both £3,528,497

7. Please refer to the Council’s published dataset: Freehold disposals and acquisitions 2010 – 2021 (updated in 2024) that provides a value for each disposal (where applicable)

Request reference: FOI 10358

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

1. The number of major housing developments (10 or more dwellings) in your jurisdiction which were completed between the years 2021-2025 inclusive which had a Section 106 (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) planning obligation

Of these completed developments, the number which changed the stipulations of their S106 obligations, or did not provide them, by the time of completion

For these, please provide the following:

  1. The name of the development, the developer name, and original planning permission reference
  2. The obligations the developer agreed to as part of the Section 106 to the council upon initial planning permission being granted
  3. A summary of the final delivery (including built property or financial contributions) provided by the developer to fulfil the Section 106 agreement, upon completion of the building contract
  4. Any reasons given by the developer for any difference between the initial agreement and final delivery
  5. If any developer did not provide anything by way of fulfilment of the Section 106 agreement, please summarise any further action taken by the council, including but not limited to litigation, requiring a replacement contribution of any kind, such as a financial contribution, discontinuing the building project, etc.

Response provided:

The applicant was advised that the Council does hold/record some of requested information. The Planning department provided this in an Excel spreadsheet which details all applications approved rather than completed with section 106 agreements as Planning do not monitor the delivery of section 106 agreements once permission has been approved, nor do they monitor completed housing sites  

The planning tracker will publish further information on the specific applications as listed within the provided spreadsheet and therefore the applicant will be able to use this to view the published documentation and section 106 agreements for the information that is not specifically recorded/captured within the spreadsheet

In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Council has done so in providing you with the link to the Planning Tracker about above 

Request reference: FOI 10359

Issue date: 19.02.25

Request received: 

1. Does the local authority offer Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) above the statutory maximum and, if yes, how is this delivered:

Top ups (paid for by the local authority)


Other (please specify)

2. What is the total number of Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) applications A) received and B) accepted by the local authority that have been above the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) statutory maximum amount over the following periods:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024?

3. Are there any other means in which adaptations are funded by the local authority (if so please specify)?

4. What was the local authority’s Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) budget for the following years:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024?

5. What proportion of the local authority’s Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) budget was spent in the following years:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024

6. What is the process for means-testing applicants for the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) in your local authority?

7. Are there any exemptions to the means test for people with rapidly progressive terminal conditions, such as MND in your local authority?

8. Are there any circumstances in which the DFG mandatory means test is waived and, if so, what are those circumstances? (e g for adaptations under a certain cost or of a certain type)

9. Has your local authority conducted any assessments (including an Impact Equality Assessment) or reviews on the appropriateness of means testing for individuals with rapidly progressive terminal conditions, such as MND or disability more widely?

10. Do you currently have a fast-track application process in place to provide Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding more rapidly to applicants with urgent needs? If yes, what are the eligibility criteria to access this process?

11. How many DFG applications were A) received under the fast-track process (if applicable) and B) how many of these were approved under the fast-track process during the period:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024

12. Does your local authority maintain a record or register of accessible homes available for individuals with disabilities, including those living with progressive terminal conditions, such as MND?

13. If such a register exists, how is it updated and made available to individuals and families in need of accessible housing?

14. If no record is maintained, are there any plans to develop a database or register of accessible homes in your local authority?

For the below questions use your definitions of small, medium and large adaptations

15. What was the average time taken (in days) complete the assessment of A) small, B) medium and C) large-sized adaptations under the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) during the period:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024?

16. What was the average time taken (in days) from the approval of A) small, B) medium and C) large-sized Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to the completion of the installation during the period:

April 2021 to March 2022

April 2022 to March 2023

April 2023 to March 2024

Response provided:

1. North Devon Council’s Financial Policy for the Better Care Fund provides a discretionary grant – Accessible Homes Grant General as top up funding for cases above the statutory maximum grants. Disabled facilities grants | North Devon Council

We work in partnership with Lendology CIC for the provision of loans; so if an applicant is not eligible for discretionary grants we would provide advice on loan options. Other home improvement loans | North Devon Council

2. April 2021 to March 2022

A) Received = 209 

B) Above statutory maximum = 1

April 2022 to March 2023

A) Received = 235 

B) Above statutory maximum = 5

April 2023 to March 2024

A) Received = 247 

B) Above statutory maximum = 1

3. No


4. April 2021 to March 2022 = £1,510,574.00

    April 2022 to March 2023 = £1,159,531.00

    April 2023 to March 2024 = £1,394,385 plus £96,957 (additional funding)

5. April 2021 to March 2022 = £1,217,952.54

    April 2022 to March 2023 = £1,467,977.42

    April 2023 to March 2024 = £1,686,454.71

6. Ferret Information Systems

7. No, however, Bathroom Adaptations (within existing footprint) and Stair lift grants are not means tested

8. No

9. No

10. If an applicant is in receipt of one the qualifying benefits no means test to be carried out. No means testing for children’s application. Where an applicant is palliative care and seeking an internal stair lift, we will consider rental options (as often quicker for installation; especially straight stair lifts)

11. April 2021 to March 2022 = 83

     April 2022 to March 2023 = 99

     April 2023 to March 2024 = 17

Please note that the figures provided are those cases fast tracked (in receipt of one of qualifying benefits and/or child application). Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide a further breakdown of those approved as the only way it could be provided would require an officer within the Private Sector Housing team go through and individually review each of these cases (199 in total) and they estimate that they would require a minimum of 20 minutes per case/application

Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information

It has been estimated by the Private Sector Housing team that it would take approximately 66 hours to provide the requested information. The procedure would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Private Sector Housing team and therefore we are unable to process this part of the request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act

In accordance with Section 16 of the Act, the Council has considered if there is any way in which this part of your request could be refined in order to bring the cost estimate under 18 hours, however due to the way in which the information required for review is recorded, there is no way other than a manual interrogation of the case/application files as refer to above

12. No, the Council no longer holds a housing stock as this was transferred onto North Devon Homes Ltd from 21.02.2000. Any accessible homes available will be advertised via Devon Home Choice

13. Not Applicable

14. No

15. April 2021 to March 2022 = 48

      April 2022 to March 2023 = 65

      April 2023 to March 2024 = 82

Please note that the Private Sector Housing team does not define adaptations as small, medium or large

16. April 2021 to March 2022 = 76

      April 2022 to March 2023 = 90

       April 2023 to March 2024 = 96

Please note that the Private Sector Housing team does not define adaptations as small, medium or large 

Request reference: FOI 10360

Issue date: 25.02.25

Request received: 

The applicant requested information regarding the extension of the Household Support Fund (1 October 2024– 31 March 2025) and would like to know the following. 

1. The number of applications to the Household Support Fund from 1 October 2024 – 31 January 2025

2. The monetary amount of support provided to applicants to the Household Support Fund from1 October 2024 – 31 January 2025

3. The number of successful applicants to the Household Support Fund from 1 October 2024 – 31 January 2025

4. What is the outstanding monetary amount from the Household Support Fund that is available before the scheme ends on the 31 March 2025

Response provided:

1. 814

2. £160,350.00 (please note that this relates purely to applications and not direct awards)

3. 750

4. As at 31st January 2025, all funds had been spent, however Devon County Council allocated North Devon Council an additional £27,892 which it is currently using for its application scheme

Request reference: EIR 10362

Issue date: 14.02.25

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4AD

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information 

Request reference: FOI 10363

Issue date: 06.02.25

Request received: 

Motor Vehicles registered for public hire i e Taxi/Private Hire/Hackney Carriage that were either issued a new or renewal licence in the period 25th October 2024 to the 31st January 2025, specifically:

Vehicle Registration Number 

Manufacturer (Make) 


Licence issue date 

Licence expiry date

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information requested in Excel format, which is available upon request 

Request reference: FOI 10365

Issue date: 06.02.25

Request received: 

I know that within three weeks of missing one council tax payment, councils can require residents to pay their full bill within just seven days

I know that then, if someone fails to pay a council tax bill within a week the council can apply to take your case to court and ask for a 'liability order'

I am asking in each of the following tax years:





2024/25 (so far)

1. How many council tax payers have you asked to pay their entire bill within seven days as a result of them missing their council tax payments?

2. Of these, how many made the payment in full as requested, and how many did not?

3. For those that did not, how many did you apply to take to court for a liability order?

Response provided:

The Council provides at least 21 days before further action is taken

Where the reminder notice has not been paid in fill within 21 days, a final notice is issued requesting payment of the full outstanding balance of the account at that time. We allow at least 21 days before we issue a summons for non-payment

Please note from 2023/24 the Council has not issued a reminder notice until a debtor has defaulted on two instalments

1. The Council issued the following number of reminder notices and final notices:-

2020/21 = 22,187

2021/22 = 18,902

2022/23 = 18,810

2023/24 = 10,918

2024/25 = 11,071

2. This information is not recorded

3. The Council issued the following summons:

2020/21 = 2,646

2021/22 = 4,556

2022/23 = 4,563

2023/24 = 3,195

2024/25 = 2,639

Request reference: EIR 10366

Issue date: 18.02.25

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3LD

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information 

Request reference: FOI 10368

Issue date: 11.02.25

Request received: 

1. Do you have a print contract for your general office printers or multi-functional devices (MFDs), if so, please provide the name of the contract provider?

2. The start and end date of each contract named in question 1

3. The end date of any extension periods for each contract named in question 1

4. When do you intend to start re-tendering for each contract named in question 1?

5. How many printers and MFDs are deployed across your organisation?

6. What is your annual output (print and copy) volume (mono and colour) and spend? 

7. Who is the person(s) within your organisation responsible for these contract(s)? Please provide their role/title and contact details

Response provided:

1. Yes, this information is published via the Council’s contract register: MDFs Print and Digital Workflow Software Services and Managed Print

2. Applicant referred to the link provided for 1 above

3. Applicant referred to the link provided for 1 above

4. Applicant referred to the link provided for 1 above

5. 29

6. Total Annual Print pages = 1061907

   Total Annual Copy pages (Figures from device fleet only) = 96099 

   Total pages Colour = 96818

   Total pages Grayscale = 96508

7. Please refer the link provided for 1 above

Request reference: FOI 10369

Issue date: 10.02.25

Request received: 

Does the Council collect from, (and if so), how many tons of recycling is collected from "open spaces" (e g parks) and from public areas (such as streets). Please note these should not include collections from private addresses

Response provided:

The Council’s Waste and Recycling team confirms that the recycling bin is in Ilfracombe Harbour which collects plastic bottles, collecting approximately 2kg per week 

Request reference: FOI 10372

Issue date: 26.02.25

Request received: 

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My understanding is that you are the authority statutorily responsible for naming and numbering properties and streets within your jurisdiction under the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 and the Public Health Act 1925

This data forms a critical part of our national infrastructure, enabling economic growth, research, and innovation. Businesses rely on accurate naming and numbering data to serve customers, manage logistics, and make investment decisions. Academic researchers use it to study housing patterns, urban development, and social trends. Local organisations and charities need it to deliver their services to the community. Open access to authoritative naming and numbering data can drive efficiency in the private sector, enable evidence-based policymaking, and foster technological innovation in areas like delivery services and property technology. Given these significant public benefits, there is a clear and strong public interest in ensuring this foundational data is openly available for analysis, verification, and reuse

Please provide an up-to-date list of all current properties within the Authority’s jurisdiction, in Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) format. Where the word "assigned" is used, it is referring to what the Authority deems to be the official value for the purposes of administering its naming and numbering duties. Please include the following 9 columns:

1. "Property local authority reference": the reference the Authority uses internally to uniquely identify the property

2. "Property name": the officially recognised name of the property. Leave blank if no name is assigned.

3. "Property number": the number of the property on its street. For example, "13", "221B" or "18-20". Leave blank if no number is assigned

4. "Property sub-division name": flat, apartment, unit or suite names/numbers, for example. Leave blank if the property is not a sub-division

5. "UPRN": the Unique Property Reference Number

6. "Street local authority reference": the reference the Authority uses internally to uniquely identify the street the property is located on

7. "Street name": the name of the street the property is located on. For example, "High Street". Leave blank if no name is assigned

8. "Street number": the number of the street the property is located on, such as "A12" or "B123". Non-standard numbers used internally by the Authority such as "C", "D" and "U" roads are also acceptable, but not required. Leave blank if no number is assigned

9. "USRN": the Unique Street Reference Number of the street the property is located on

I am only requesting data assigned as part of the Authority’s statutory naming and numbering duties. I am NOT requesting additional metadata such as property ownership, land use classifications, geographical coordinates, postal addresses or property type

As far as I'm aware, the Authority does not make this data available elsewhere. Some commercial products provide access to data that is derived from the Authority's assigned names and numbers, but they have been further modified and mixed with third-party data sources, meaning I can't actually access the data I'm requesting via these products. The expensive and restrictive commercial licences also mean the data is not easily accessible or usable

Due to the existence of commercial products that use this public data, I understand the Authority may need to consider how this request could prejudice these commercial interests. The data I have requested is fundamentally required for the Authority to perform its statutory duties: there is no ambiguity that this data forms part of the public record

UPRNs and USRNs are explicitly designated as open identifiers available under the Open Government License. While GeoPlace coordinates the national system, the Authority is still performing the statutory function of assigning names and numbers, and is creating these national identifiers as part of their duties. The fact that UPRNs and USRNs are national standards reinforces their public nature; they're specifically designed to be universal reference points that enable interoperability across different systems and organisations. They're meant to be used alongside this data, which is why they were made openly available in the first place

Response provided:

1. North Devon Council does not use authority specific references for properties

2. North Devon Council does not hold records of uncleansed address data

3. As 2 above

4. As 2 above

5. USRNs are available here https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/products/os-open-usrn

6. North Devon Council does not use authority specific references streets, all North Devon Streets follow the pattern 2750****

7. As 2 above. (https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/products/os-open-roads provides the name and, if applicable, number of every road)

8. As 2 above

9. UPRNs are available here https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/products/os-open-uprn

Ordnance Survey also provides https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/products/os-open-linked-identifiers which provides which UPRNs are linked to which USRNs

Request reference: FOI 10373

Issue date: 12.02.25

Request received: 

Information regarding the software used to support parking, traffic, highway, accessible transport services

Area Software provider or in-house Head of Service/Decision Maker Name Head of Service/Decision Maker Job Title Email address Contract Manager Name Contract Manager Job title Email Contract start date Contract end date Contract value (£)
CCTV Enforcement/Parking                    
PCN Processing                    
Parking Permit Processing                    
Fixed Penalty Notice Processing                     
Cashless Parking                    
Highway Defect Reporting (potholes)                    
Accessible Transport/Travel (home to school)                    

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the Council’s response in Excel format which is available upon request. Applicant directed to Devon County Council regarding Highway defective reporting and Accessible Transport/Travel

Request reference: FOI 10374

Issue date: 12.02.25

Request received: 

Wheelie Bin Replacement:

How often have wheelie bins been replaced between 2023 - 2024 and 2024 - 2025? Please provide the breakdown below by month and the total of bins being replaced

How recycling bins have been refused to be collected at kerbside over the last two years due to incorrect items being placed in the recycling bin or cross-contamination from food traces

Please provide a breakdown by month of how many recycling bins have been refused because of incorrect items being placed in them or cross-contamination from food traces

Response provided:

Applicant was provided with the Council’s response within three separate Excel spreadsheets which are available upon request

Request reference: EIR 10376

Issue date: 21.02.25

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX51 6LW

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information 

Request reference: FOI 10377

Issue date: 11.02.25

Request received: 

1. The total number of parking-related complaints received by the council in the last 12 months (from 10 February 2024 to 10 February 2025)

2. A breakdown of complaints by category, if available (e g illegal parking, residential permit issues, parking enforcement concerns, misuse of disabled bays, etc)

3. The number of complaints that resulted in enforcement action or penalties

Response provided:

1. 27 complaints within the specific requested period of 10.02.24 to 10.02.25.

2. As follows:

Category Breakdown 11/02/2025
Machine Faults 5
Permit Related 5
Lighting 2
Refunds 2
Vehicle Damage 1
Staff Conduct 5
Access 1
Maintenance 2
Other 3








3. Four of the complaints mentioned or were directly about a PCN issued. PCN’s follow a strict process that allows customers to challenge and appeal, none of the PCN’s were cancelled due to the complaint being raised

Request reference: FOI 10380

Issue date: 28.02.25

Request received: 

The applicant requested the following contract information relating to the following corporate software/enterprise applications:

A. Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution (ERP) -this is the organisation’s main ERP system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades

B. Primary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution-this is the organisation’s main

CRM system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. Example of CRM systems the organisation may use could include Microsoft Dynamics, Front Office, Lagan CRM, Firm step

C. Primary Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Software Solution-this is the organisation’s main

HR/payroll system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. In some cases, the HR contract maybe separate to the payroll contract please provide both types of contracts. Example of HR/Payroll systems the organisation may use could include iTrent, Resource link

D. The organisation’s primary corporate Finance Software Solution-this is the organisation’s main Finance system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. Example of finance systems the organisation may use could include E-Business suite, Agresso (Unit4), eFinancials, Integra, SAP

In some cases you may come across contracts that provides service support maintenance and upgrades separate to the main software contract, please also provide this information in the response following the requested data below

For each of the categories above can you please provide me with the relevant contract information listed below:

1. Software Category: ERP, CRM, HR, Payroll, Finance

2. Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?

3. The date in which these applications were implemented

4. The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier’s name again please provide me with the actual software name

5. Description of the contract: Please do not just state two to three words can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included

Please also include any modules included within the contract as this will support the categories you have selected in question 1

6. Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?

7. Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?

8. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract

9. Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY

10. Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY

11. Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provided, please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY

12. Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number)

Response provided:

It was confirmed to the applicant that the Council’s ICT team have reviewed the new request alongside the last response that was provided to the applicant for this same information under FOI 10012 in September 2024 and they confirm that the information provided at that time still stands and that there has been no changes to the Contracts and information as provided within that response

Request reference: EIR 10381

Issue date: 24.02.25

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 7HH

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information 

Request reference: FOI 10383

Issue date: 13.02.25

Request received: 

For the following planning references please provide the current available balance of the Section 106 contributions. Could the balance show how much is remaining for each contribution type (e g Planning Reference = abc123, Contribution type = affordable housing, Amount remaining = £300)































Response provided:

The Council confirmed there is no available balance for any of the planning application numbers you have listed. From records held the Council only received funds for application 42272, however this has been fully spent

Request reference: FOI 10384

Issue date: 26.02.25

Request received: 

The Council’s complete and most-recently updated list of all business (non-residential) property rates data, including the following fields:

• Billing Authority Property Reference Code (linking the property to the public VOA database reference) 

• Ratepayer name excluding any sole traders

• Full Property Address

• Rateable Value 

• Property description

• Occupation status

• Date of Occupation.

• Vacant status

• Date of vacancy

• Reliefs and/or exemption categories (classifications)

• Date that reliefs and/or exemption applied from

• Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds) 

Response provided:

Please refer to the Council’s published Business Rates datasets on its website which are updated quarterly (the next update will be carried out in April 2025) and provide the information you seek, apart from the following:

Date of vacancy

Date that exemption applied from 

Date that reliefs applied from

In order to be able to provide this information would require the Business Rates team to run separate reports that identify the information and then data would need to be manually entered into the published dataset. Revenues advise that they currently have approximately 5,119 Business Rate properties that have a relief applied

Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information

It has been estimated by the Business Rates team that it would far exceed 18 hours to provide this information and the task would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Business Rates team; therefore we are unable to process your this part of your request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act

Actual annual rates charged (in pounds)

Whilst this information is not published within the datasets, the Revenues team advise that you are able to calculate these using the Rateable Value and the National Non Domestic Rating Multiplier 

Request reference: FOI 10386

Issue date: 19.02.25

Request received: 

1. What percentage of your current suppliers possess B Corp certification, ESGmark or a similar certification or award that recognises a commitment to ESG or sustainability-focused initiatives? 

None, 0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-40%, 41-50%, 51-60%, 61-70%, 71-80%, 81-90, 91-100%

2. Is B Corp certification (or similar) a requirement / consideration for suppliers as part of your current tender process? 

3. Are you considering adding B Corp certification (or similar) as a requirement / consideration for suppliers as part of your tender process in the future? 

4. If so, within what timeframe? 

In the next month, in the next 3 months, in the next 6 months, in the next 12 months

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident would you feel about knowing how to prioritise B-Corp companies (or similar) in your tender process? 1 being extremely unconfident and 10 being very confident

6. Do you feel you would benefit from guidance as to how to prioritise B-Corp companies (or similar) in your tender process? 

No, we wouldn't benefit, Yes, we would somewhat benefit, Yes, we would significantly benefit

Response provided:

1. Two suppliers are B Corp certificated; 0-10%

2. No

3. No

4. Not Applicable

5. This is not information that is considered to be held for the purposes of the Act as the requester is are seeking a view/opinion rather than documented information; therefore the Council is unable to answer this part of the request

5. As 5. above 

Request reference: FOI 10387

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your tender process for Public Health Funerals, Genealogy Services, Next of Kin Search Services; specifically the following information:

Are you currently putting this work to tender? 

Which procurement website do you use for this?

What evaluation criteria is used to assess the bids?

What was the name of the last successful supplier and the contract value? When is this contract due to finish?

Is there any published information about the winning bidder’s proposed solution (if available?)

Response provided:

The Council confirmed that it deals with Public Health Funerals, Genealogy Services and Next of Kin searches in-house with the exception of the funeral directors used for those receiving a Public Health Funeral. The current contract information for this published via the Council’s Contract Register: Public Health Funeral Services 

Request reference: EIR 10389

Issue date: 26.02.25

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9EF

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information 

Request reference: FOI 10390

Issue date: 17.02.25

Request received: 

1. If your local authority has planning criteria which determine the acceptability of planning applications for new Class A5 hot food takeaway outlets, contained in an adopted or interim policy or guidance document (such as a Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Document, or Development Management Plan), please can you send us a copy of this document. Example criteria include traffic and parking considerations, the requirement of a health impact assessment, preventing high concentration of outlets in certain areas, exclusion zones around schools, and restricted opening hours

2. If your adopted policy or guidance document superseded a previous version that also contained Class A5 hot food takeaway outlets planning criteria, please also send us the first edition of this document

3. If you no longer have an adopted policy or guidance document that contains Class A5 hot food takeaway outlets planning criteria, but these criteria were contained in a superseded document that is now out-of-date, please send us a copy of this out-of-date document

4. If you have never had an adopted policy or guidance document that contained Class A5 hot food takeaway outlets planning criteria, please also let us know

5. If you have answered YES to questions (1), (2) or (3), please can you confirm the date(s) that the relevant policies actually came into effect and/or stopped being applied, being as exact as possible

Response provided:

1. The Council does not have a specific policy in relation to new Class A5 hot takeaway outlets. There are wider planning polices within the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan, that would be used to assess this type of planning application.  For example, Policy DM01 (amenity considerations) Policy DM19 (Town and District Centres) Policy DM20 (Development outside Town and District Centres) and highway considerations - Policy DM05 (Highways) and Policy DM06 (parking)

Please see attached a web link to the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan for the wording of these planning polices

2 and 3. The Council does not have any previous policies of a guidance document that contained Class A5 hot food takeaway criteria. The previous Local Plan would have similar planning polices in relation to amenity, highways etc. as above, which would have been used to assess a planning application for a hot food takeaway establishment

4. The Council has not had any specific policy guidance document on purely the criteria for Class A5 hot food takeaways 

Request reference: FOI 10392

Issue date: 20.02.25

Request received: 

The applicant requested data around what percentage of your vehicle fleet will be hybrid/fully electric in the 2025/26 tax year

Response provided:

The Council confirmed that it does hold information regarding its vehicle fleet, however, it is unable to confirm what percentage will be hybrid/fully electric in 2025/26 at this time as this is not information considered to be held for the purposes of the Act

At the time of response (20.02.25) there are no plans to replace any vehicles with either hybrid or fully electric vehicles going into 2025/26

The Council can confirm that it currently has a fleet of 102 vehicles, two of which are electric and so at the time of this response, 2.04% of its vehicle fleet is fully electric

Request reference: FOI 10404

Issue date: 25.02.25

Request received: 

The applicant requested details of any changes to the council tax reduction/support scheme in North Devon from April 2025

If the Council has made any changes for 2025/26 compared to the scheme it operated in 2024/25, the applicant requested that those changes be identified

In particular if any of the thresholds or the method of calculation of income used in the Council’s income-band/income-grid scheme have changed 

Response provided:

Applicant provided with a Word document setting out the proposed changes for 2025/26 to the income bands, which will be published via the Council website from April 2025, however a copy is available upon request 

Request reference: FOI 10406

Issue date: 26.02.25

Request received: 

Please list any current contracts you have with Serco LTD and/or Serco Group PLC, including ongoing contracts and contracts that end within the financial year 2024-25

This breakdown should cover the purpose and remit of the contract, its slated and actual duration (including start and finish dates) and the contract size (i e its price)

Please also state if there were any recorded instances of misconduct, contract violation, or grievance related to these contracts

Response provided:

The applicant was directed to the Council’s published Contract Register confirming that the Council does not have any applicable contracts with Serco Ltd and/or Serco Group PLC

Request reference: FOI 10407

Issue date: 26.02.25

Request received: 

The number of ‘Right to Buy’ applications received for council-owned homes, broken down by month from February 2024 to January 2025

If there is still time in this request, please also provide me with the total current number of social housing properties owned by the council, and the number on the same date in 2020

Response provided:

The Council confirms that it does not hold any of this information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council transferred its former social housing stock to North Devon Homes Ltd from 21.02.2000, therefore it no longer holds this information

Enquiries address

United Kingdom