Request reference: EIR 10191
Issue date: 17.12.24
Request received:
All pre-application enquiries and decisions for the site now known as Combrew, EX36 4HX since November 2013
Response provided:
All of the pre-application enquiries and decisions identified to fall within the remit of the request were fully withheld from disclosure under Regulation 13 (personal data)
Request reference: FOI 10208
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
1. How many children (Under 18) were living in temporary accommodation on the 25th December 2023? If exact records for this date are not available, please provide the most recent data close to this date
2. How many of these children were 15 years of age at the time?
3. Since January 2020, what is the longest a child (under 18) has had to live in temporary accommodation before being placed in permanent accommodation? Please specify the date range if the exact start and end dates are known
4. What is the average duration that children (under 18) have been spending in temporary accommodation before securing permanent housing?
Please provide definitions or clarifications for any terms or categories used in your response, especially regarding “temporary accommodation” (e g whether it includes Bed and Breakfasts, hostels, or other placements)
If you are unable to provide some of the requested data, please outline the reasons and an expected timeframe for availability
Response provided:
1. 81 as at 22.12.23
2. Three
3. 20.04.21 to 19.04.24
4. 22.85 weeks
The Council currently uses a combination of Bed and Breakfasts and independent Temporary Accommodation (has own facilities)
Request reference: FOI 10209
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
1. How many children are currently in temporary accommodation as of the 1st of November 2024?
2. The breakdown of these children in educational categories:
- How many are in primary education?
- How many are in secondary education?
- How many are registered as being 15 years of age?
3. For children currently on your homeless waiting lists:
- How many are known to have health conditions?
- How many are registered as disabled?
4. Spending on temporary accommodation from 1st November 2023 to 1st November 2024:
- Total amount spent on temporary accommodation
- Breakdown of spending on different types of accommodation (e g hotels or Bed and Breakfasts, private landlords, council-owned properties)
5. The number of tenant complaints regarding temporary accommodation during this period (1st November 2023 - 1st November 2024)
If any data is unavailable for the exact date requested, please provide the closest available records. Additionally, if certain categories are defined differently within your data, please include those definitions
Response provided:
1. As at 29.11.24 = 97 children
2. a) 39
b) 31
c) four
3. a) and b) Information not recorded
4. Applicant advised that the Council does record and publish its spending on Temporary Accommodation, however it does so by financial year which can be found via the following link: however the Council's Accountancy team confirms they are unable to report on this spend for the specific year requested, due to the way in which the information is recorded. Furthermore, they confirm that spend on TA is not accrued monthly, so spend on rent is paid in advance and some other elements in arrears: Cost of providing temporary accommodation to the Council - 2009/10 - 2023/24
5. Two complaints received for the period 01.11.23 - 01.11.24
Request reference: FOI 10220
Issue date: 02.12.24
Request received:
Council leader expenses claimed from 31.08.23 - 31.08.24 inclusive:
1. The date of the expense
2. The monetary value
3. A description of what it was, e g "business dinner for six people". If no description of the reason for the expense is available, a simple description of what was paid for will suffice, e g "business class flight", "uber taxi"
4. Copies of the receipts of each expense, where a receipt was filed, not the original documents
5. All expenses including those which were reimbursements, made on a company credit card or booked internally through any admin system used by the council (for example, some businesses use a travel portal that facilitates the booking of trains and hotels)
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the requested information where held which is available upon request. Some of the information that is considered to be personal data (vehicle make, model and registration) redacted in accordance with Section 40 of the Act
Request reference: FOI 10229
Issue date: 02.12.24
Request received:
The applicant requested the following information broken down for the last three financial years (2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24:
1. All temporary agency spend (£)
2. All permanent agency spend (£)
3. All temporary agency spend (£) covering the following services:
• Legal and Governance Services
• Finance and Corporate Services
4. All permanent agency spend (£) for the following services:
• Legal and Governance Services
• Finance and Corporate Services
5. All ‘off framework’ agency spend (£) for the following services:
• Legal and Governance Services
• Finance and Corporate Services
6. Does the Council use any of the following model(s) to manage temporary agency recruitment (for Legal and Governance Services; Finance and Corporate Services) at this moment in time?
• Master Vendor/Managed Service
• Neutral Vendor
• Preferred Supplier List
What model is used and when does this agreement expire?
7. Does the Council use any of the following model(s) to manage permanent agency recruitment (for Legal and Governance Services; Finance and Corporate Services) at this moment in time?
• Master Vendor/Managed Service
• Neutral Vendor
• Preferred Supplier List
What model is used and when does this agreement expire?
8. The number of staff members for Legal and Governance Services and Finance and Corporate Services departments and the split between permanent members of staff, temporary staff (fixed-term contracts) and agency staff in the below table for this moment in time
9. Who are the top five agencies for agency spend (£) across Legal and Governance Services and what is the breakdown of their spend over the 23-24 financial year
10. Who are the top 5 agencies for agency spend (£) across Finance and Corporate Services and what is the breakdown of their spend over the 23-24 financial year?
11. What frameworks, if applicable, does the Council use for temporary and permanent agency recruitment?
Response provided:
1. 2021/22 = £965,066
2022/23 = £1,556,213
2023/24 = £1,712,131
2. The Council’s Accountancy team confirms that they do not recorded temporary and permanent agency spend separately, therefore they are unable to provide this; therefore all spend provided is considered to be temporary
3. As follows:
Financial Year | Legal and Governance Services | Finance and Corporate Services |
2021/22 |
£0 |
£7,379 |
2022/23 |
£0 |
£25,049 |
2023/24 |
£0 |
£27,465 |
4. Not Applicable
5. As follows:
Financial Year | Legal and Governance Services | Finance and Corporate Services |
2021/22 |
£0 |
£7,136 |
2022/23 |
£0 |
£8,808 |
2023/24 |
£0 |
£10,235 |
6. No
7. No
8. As follows:
Legal and Governance Services | Finance and Corporate Services | |
Number of permanent staff |
24.82 |
42.03 |
Number of temporary staff |
0 |
0 |
Number of agency staff |
0 |
0 |
9. Not Applicable
10. Comensura = £17,230
M5 Hideaway Ltd = £10,235
11. The Council’s contract with Comensura has been procured on the M Start 4 framework
Request reference: FOI 10236
Issue date: 02.12.24
Request received:
1. Does the Council currently have a contract for the disposal of IT hardware from corporate offices and schools?
2. If a contract is in place, which organisation(s) manages the contract?
3. When does the contract expire?
4. If no contract, what is done with the redundant IT equipment?
5. Does the organisation have a separate arrangement in place for the onsite shredding of data-bearing assets, such as hard disks, solid state drives, USB devices, CDs and data tapes, or is data-containing equipment erased/destroyed by your contracted IT hardware disposal provider?
6. Who within the organisation has overall responsibility for the disposal of IT hardware?
Response provided:
- No formal contract is held by the Council regarding its corporate offices. With regards to schools, the applicant was directed tot Devon County Council for this information as they are responsible for schools and education covering North Devon
- Not Applicable
- Not applicable
- The Council has an arrangement with a disposal company, however as previously advised, no formal contract is held
- No, the Council uses the same company for these services
- The Council’s ICT Manager
- Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council
Request reference: FOI 10242
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
Copies of all alleged letters that have been sent to the Planning Enforcement department for every year from 2003 onwards to November 2024 for a property in, West Down, Devon EX34 8NH
Response provided:
The applicant was provided with the details of three complaints in total with some of the information held but with all personal data of the complainants redacted in accordance with Section 40 of the Act (personal data). The Council fully refused to provide one of the complaints as it was determined that whilst it was not addressed by any specific individuals, the style in which the letter is written, and the font used could indirectly identify the complainants to the requester. Instead the applicant was provided with a summary of the complaint. The complaint also included two photos which were also not disclosed as the Council determined that the requester may be able to ascertain the complainants’ identities once considering the angle and way in which the photos were taken.
Section 40(2) provides that personal data is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3A), (3B) or (4A) is satisfied. In this case Section 40(3A)(A) is met because disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle contained in the General Data Protection Regulation. This is an absolute exemption and there is therefore no requirement to consider the public interest in this instance.
Request reference: FOI 10245
Issue date: 09.12.24
Request received:
The applicant requested the following information for 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
- Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council
- Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds
By Mental Health issues, we mean any staff member who required sickness absence due to anxiety, stress, depression, or any other mental health-related reason
Response provided:
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 4,306
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council = 1,066
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 43
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 5,385.5
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council – 1,321
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 49
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 6,037
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council = 1,362.5
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 42
Request reference: FOI 10246
Issue date: 16.12.24
Request received:
The following information on veterans at risk of homelessness in your local authority:
1. The number of households in which a veteran is registered as living that have been at risk of homelessness in your local authority, in each month since the start of the financial year 2018/19
2. The number of households in which a veteran is registered as living that have been at risk of homelessness in your local authority due to a Section 21 notice, in each month since the start of the financial year 2018/19
3. The number of households in which a veteran is registered as living that are currently (as of November 2024) at risk of homelessness in your local authority
Response provided:
The applicant was provided with the Council’s response within an Excel spreadsheet which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 10252
Issue date: 05.12.24
Request received:
Please provide the following information, broken down by the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24:
1. Total consultancy spending: The total amount spent by the council on consultancy services for each financial year
2. Breakdown by firm: A breakdown by firm of consultancy payments made by the council in each financial year. If providing details for each firm exceeds the cost limit, please provide whatever information can be provided within the limit, such as by focusing on firms with total payments exceeding £10,000
3. Council policy on consultancy payments: A copy or summary of the council’s policy, if one exists, regarding limits or guidelines on payments to external consultants, including rate caps or other criteria used to determine acceptable consultancy costs
4. Highest individual consultancy payments: The highest individual payments made to consultants. Please provide:
- The largest total payment(s) made to an individual consultant or consultancy firm in each financial year
- The highest hourly or daily rate paid to an individual consultant or firm during each financial year. If feasible, please specify the context (such as the nature of the work or project) for these highest rates
Definition: by “consultancy spending,” we refer to payments made to organizations or individuals brought in to provide expert advice or support in implementing specific projects or initiatives
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held within an Excel spreadsheet in response to 1, 2 and 4, which is available upon request, however the applicant was advised that the Council does not have a specific cost code to which it records consultancy spend against, therefore some payments within the data that are not for consultancy but falls under the wider remit of External Professional Services. The only way in which the Council would be able to provide a more accurate response would require Finance to manually go through over 1,700 applicable invoices for the requested years and also make further enquiries with officers where any queries might arise. Finance would need to spend anywhere between 3 and 5 minutes checking each applicable invoice, considering whether it falls within the remit of the request alone. It is not possible to be able to determine how long would they would then require in following up any queries resulting from going through those invoices
Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information
It has been estimated that it would take anywhere between 42.5 and 70.8 hours (based on 850 invoices taking approximately 3 minutes to check and 850 taking 5 minutes to check). The procedure would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Council’s Finance team and therefore we are unable to process this part of the request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act
3. The Council does not hold a policy or guidance regarding consultancy payments
Request reference: EIR 10254
Issue date: 16.12.24
Request received:
Full disclosure of all noise nuisance complaints, council monitoring and investigation regarding the requesters business
Response provided:
Applicant provided with some information held, but all third party personal information both directly and indirectly identifying the complainants was redacted under Regulation 13 of the EIR
Request reference: EIR 10256
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9NH
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: EIR 10257
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4ER
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 10258
Issue date: 11.12.24
Request received:
1. How many dog breeding businesses does the local authority currently licence pursuant to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018?
2. Please provide a breakdown by licence of the number of:
Breeding female adult dogs
Breeding male adult dogs
Litters of puppies
Other (non-breeding) dogs specified on each licence
The start rating of each licence currently in effect within a table format
3. Please provide a blank copy of the inspection form/s used by the Council during the inspection of dog breeding premises, pursuant to Regulation 4(2) and Regulation 10 of the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) regulations 2018
4. For the calendar year 2023, how many dogs (including puppies) did the Local Authority take into possession, pursuant to Section 18 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006?
5. In the event the Local Authority needs to take dogs (including puppies) into possession pursuant to Section 18 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006:
a) What kennel capacity does the authority have access to for such eventualities?
b) Is this capacity provided by a. private kennels, b. an animal welfare charity, or c. other provider?
Response provided:
1. 13
2. As follows:
Anonymised establishment reference | Number of breeding female adult dogs specified | Number of breeding male adult dogs specified | Number of litters of puppies specified | Number of other (non-breeding) dogs specified | Star Rating |
A | 40 | Not known | Not known | Not known | 5 |
B | 6 | Not known | Not known | Not known | 5 |
C | 5 | 4 | Not known | Not known | 5 |
D | 4 | 4 | Not known | Not known | 5 |
E | 10 | Not know | Not known | Not known | 5 |
F | 7 | Not known | 7 per year | Not known | 5 |
G | 6 | Not known | Not known | Not known | 4 |
H | 2 | Not known | 2 per year | Not known | 4 |
I | 3 | Not known | 2 per year | Not known | 4 |
J | 5 | Not known | 5 per year | Not known | 4 |
K | 4 | Not known | 4 per year | Not known | 3 |
L | 7 | Not known | 7 per year | Not known | 3 |
M | 4 | Not known | 4 per year | Not know | 3 |
- A copy was provided which is available upon request
- Zero
- a) If the need arises kennels are sourced at the time
b) Kennels used will be appropriately registered kennels available at the time
Request reference: FOI 10265
Issue date: 18.12.24
Request received:
Information of any nuisance complaints from Fremington/Yelland and surrounding areas regarding infrasound and/or vibration, within the last 18 months
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does hold some information that falls within the remit of the request. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council’s Environmental Protection team have carried out a search of their complaints for the last 18 months (01.06.23 – 30.11.24) to give the most recent complete 18 month period
The only relevant complaint to the request that was identified was a complaint which the applicant made to the Council. No other complaints that fall within the remit of the request have been identified for the requested period
Applicant advised if they wish to obtain a copy of their own information, they will need to make a separate request for this under a Subject Access Request with the Council’s Data Protection Team. From the link, selecting the first link ‘Request access
Request reference: FOI 10266
Issue date: 16.12.24
Request received:
This request relates to investigations and decisions into local authority employees who are suspected of "multiple contract working" i e working more than one job when their contract forbids it
1. Could I please ask for the number of suspected “multiple contract working” cases your local authority has investigated among employees for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018
2. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week? Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case
3. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the number of “multiple contract working” cases the local authority has investigated where the employee was found to have been holding down two or more jobs - violating their contract. Please provide figures for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in calendar years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case
4. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week? Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case
5. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask how many employees have been dismissed as a result of being found in breach of “multiple contract working” rules for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case
6. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week? Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case
Response provided:
1. 2018/19 = Zero
2019/20 = Zero
2020/21 = Zero
2021/22 = Zero
2022/23 = Zero
2023/24 = Zero
2-6. Not Applicable
Request reference: FOI 10269
Issue date: 11.12.24
Request received:
Information to understand how software supports the Parking and Enforcement services within Local Government and how the parking provisions have been influenced by the mobile app market
1. Do you have a Car Parking Permitting System – Y/N
a. If Yes:
i. Who is the provider?
ii. When were they appointed?
iii. When does the agreement come up for renewal?
iv. How many Permits do you issue?
1. Each Year
2. across the life of the Agreement
v. Is this provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS) Y/N
1. If No, how is the Service procured e g Annual Licence, Fee per Permit and/or other
b. If No:
How do you manage your car parking permits?
2. Do you have a Car Parking Enforcement System – Y/N
a. If Yes:
i. Who is the provider?
ii. When were they appointed?
iii. When does the agreement come up for renewal?
iv. How many PCNs do you issue?
1. Each Year
2. across the life of the Agreement
v. Is this provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS) Y/N
1. If No, how is the Service procured e.g., Annual Licence, Fee per Permit and/or other
b. If no:
How do you manage car park enforcement?
3. Do you have a Car Parking Mobile App – Y/N
a. If Yes:
i. Who is the provider?
ii. When were they appointed?
iii. When does the agreement come up for renewal?
iv. How many Parking Transactions do you process each year through the parking App?
v. How much revenue did you generate through the Parking App? During the last financial year (2023/2024).
b. If no:
i. Are you intending to engage with a mobile app in the near future? Y/N
ii. Are you planning to be part of the National Parking Platform Y/N
Response provided:
1. Yes
- Imperial, PermitSmarti
- June 2021
- July 2025
- 1. Records are kept in fiscal years
2020/21 = 5,119
2021/22 = 3,641
2022/23 = 4,068
2023/24 = 4,914
April 2024 – November 2024 = 3,598
- 21,340
- Yes, fee per permit and annual maintenance fee of the service
2. Yes
i. Imperial
ii. June 2009
iii. July 2025
iv. 1. Same years as permits provided, not specific
2020/21 = 4,231
2021/22 = 5,496
2022/23 = 5,836
2023/24 = 5,827
April 2024 – November 2024 = 5,120
- Data held for 2011 – present only. Total during that period = 108,144
v. Yes
3. Yes, based on the assumption that the question is whether North Devon Council use a cashless payment service
i. RingGo
ii. Originally 2016, new contract 2020, most recently August 2024
iii. February 2025
iv. 2020/21 = 241,169
2021/22 = 557,656
2022/23 = 708,971
2023/24 = 918,949
April 2024 – November 2024 = 643,900
v. £2,088,166.20
Request reference: FOI 10270
Issue date: 24.12.24
Request received:
In relation to the advertisement in North Devon Gazette dated 27th November 2024 under the heading Proposed Public Spaces Protection Order, and in relation to two websites of the Council referring to the same matter, I seek each and every item of record in whatever form held by the council relating to:
1. All records from whatever source from 1st January 2022 of any occurrence between the hours of 5 am and 7.30 am daily within any of the categories of misfeasance falling within paragraph (1) a-e inclusive of the proposed order
2. Any report prepared by any officer of the council in support of the extension of the PSPO currently in force in relation to the Pannier Market, Barnstaple
3. All other material touching upon or referencing the making of a further PSPO for the Pannier Market
4. A copy of a current trader’s licence in blank form or anonymised showing the hours for which licensed traders have access to the Pannier Market, and if different, the hours as from 1st February 2025
5. Any material evidencing that Hannah Harrington or any other officer had authority to place an advert in the terms of that in the North Devon Gazette for 27th November 2024, or the two websites above mentioned, or to spend council funds in so doing
Response provided:
- Applicant provided with a word document providing the rationale for the extension of restricted hours under the PSPO, which is available upon request
2. In accordance with Section 22(1), information is exempt information if:
a) The information is held by the Council with a view to its publication, by the authority or any other personal at some future date (whether determined or not),
b) The information was already held with a view to such publication at the time when your request was received, and
c) It is reasonable in all the circumstances that the information should be withheld from disclosure until the date referred to in paragraph (a)
The Council considers that it meets each of the above. At the time of the request being received, the Council was preparing a report that it intends to publish with the Full Council Agenda on 07.01.25 which is currently being finalised and that in all circumstances it should be withheld from disclosure until it is published in the New Year
Public Interest Test
As this a qualified exemption, the Council has gone onto consider whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption is greater than the public interest in disclosing the information
Arguments favouring disclosing
There will be always be public interest in transparency where information relates to Council proceedings and processes where is felt they may have a significant impact on you as the requester and the wider local community. Provision of the information would allow you to be informed and prepared for the subsequent publication of the said report, providing you with a snapshot of the where the report currently stands in terms of its drafting
Arguments favouring withholding
It is important that the Council adheres to its committee procedure and process in order that it is fair to all. Disclosing the report at this time when it is not finalised would be unfair to other members of the public who share a common interest in the Council’s upcoming committees and who are awaiting the upcoming publication in the New Year
Disclosing the report as it currently stands would require additional work to be carried out by officers to explaining parts that may be missing information or may require further clarification and context be provided. This would divert those officers attention away from actually finalising and completing the report and also possibly run the risk of it being late and missing the January committee deadline. In any event I am conscious that the report substantially reiterates the information that is being provided to you in response to your question 1 above and therefore this allows you to understand the rationale behind the PSPO that will be presented to members via the report without needing to see the draft report itself before it is finalised
The report will be published in a little over two weeks’ time and so it is the Council’s view that this is a reasonable amount of time given that the requests processing falls over the Christmas and New Year period whilst the authority will be operating with a small number of key staff
3. Applicant provided with correspondence that falls within the scope of this part of the request which is available upon request
4. The licence conditions are published on the Council’s website. It is not envisaged that access hours will change. The licence refers to the opening hours being ‘such period of time during the Licence Day starting at the choice of the Licensee not earlier than 6:00 am nor later than 9:00 am
5. Applicant advised that this part of their request has been responded to both the Monitoring Officer’s direct response and also within a complaint response issued by the Feedback team on 18 December 2024
Request reference: FOI 10271
Issue date: 03.12.24
Request received:
a) What is the total number of residential houses and flats that this local authority currently owns or rents?
b) How many of this local authority’s owned or rented homes are currently fitted with solar panels or other solar technology?
c) How many of this local authority’s owned or rented homes currently score an EPC rating of D or lower (E, F, G)?
Response provided:
a) 41 properties (mix of houses and flats)
b) Six properties, due to increase in the coming year
c) 14 in total, seven owned and seven leased
Request reference: FOI 10272
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
1. The number of Sexual entertainment venue (SEV) licenses issued by the Council in 2023 and 2024 and copies of the licenses or links to where these documents are located on the Council’s website
2. Is the Council aware of/hold any information on any sexual entertainment venues that operate under the frequency exemption as permitted by the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 within its area of responsibility and the dates that they operate?
Response provided:
1. Zero
2. No
Request reference: EIR 10273
Issue date: 18.12.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4GB
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 10274
Issue date: 24.12.24
Request received:
In relation to an email to the requester dated 4th December 2024 at 17.04 from the Council’s Senior Solicitor and Monitoring Officer of the council, I seek each and every item of record in whatever form held by the council relating to consultations mentioned by him as having taken place in the following terms “To limit the likelihood of this, relevant councillors, including the Leader, were consulted on the proposed changes (to the present PSPO) before the statutory consultation was issued
I ask for copies of all records of such consultations, including names of those participating and a copy of whatever information in justification of the proposed extension of hours from 5 am to 7.30 am each day was provided to each of them prior to, during, or after such consultation
Response provided:
The Council confirmed to the requester that it does not hold any documented information that falls under the remit of their request. Hannah Harrington, Town Centre, Pannier Market and CCTV Manager confirms that she did not speak with Cllr Clayton directly but that the Council’s Chief Executive, Ken Miles, did and it is understood that there is no written record of that telephone conversation which can be disclosed
Request reference: FOI 10275
Issue date: 06.12.24
Request received:
The applicant requested information about the council’s management of Direct Payments and related services:
1. Outsourcing of Services
a. Does the council currently outsource the following services?
Direct Payments Support Services (e g assisting individuals to manage direct payment funds and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations)
Direct Payment Payroll Services (e g managing payroll for personal assistants or carers paid through direct payments)
b. If outsourced, please provide:
Whether this is via a framework or sole supplier
The name of the provider(s)
The start and end dates of the contract(s)
The annual cost of each contract
2. Functions Offered as Part of the Direct Payments Process
a. Does the council offer the following functions as part of its Direct Payments process?
Pre-paid card function for managing direct payment funds
Independent Service Fund (ISF) option for managing direct payment funds
Appointeeship scheme
b. If yes, please specify:
Whether these functions are managed in-house or outsourced
The name of the provider (if outsourced)
3. Service Delivery Details
If the above services or functions are delivered in-house, please provide:
a. The internal team or department responsible for delivering:
Direct Payments Support Services
Direct Payment Payroll Services
Pre-paid card functions (if applicable)
Independent Service Fund management (if applicable)
b. The annual budget allocated for these services and functions
4. Procurement and Contracting
a. How does the council procure these services and functions?
If procured through a framework agreement, please provide:
The portal or website where the opportunities are advertised
Whether the council has any plans to re-tender these services
If procured through a direct tender process, please provide:
The date of the most recent tender issued for these services.
Any plans or timelines for future tender opportunities
5. Contact Information
Could you provide the name, job title, and contact details of the person(s) responsible for:
a. Commissioning Direct Payments Support Services
b. Commissioning Direct Payment Payroll Services
c. Commissioning pre-paid card or ISF functions (if applicable)
d. Procurement or contract management of these services and functions
Response provided:
Applicant directed to Devon County Council for this information which is responsible for thh wider Devon area and includes North Devon
Request reference: FOI 10276
Issue date: 09.12.24
Request received:
The applicant requested information request regarding Sickness Absence in councils for 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds
By Mental Health issues, we mean any staff member who required sickness absence due to anxiety, stress, depression, or any other mental health-related reason
Response provided:
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 4,306
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council = 1,066
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 43
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 5,385.5
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council – 1,321
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 49
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council = 6,037
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council = 1,362.5
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds = 42
Request reference: FOI 10277
Issue date: 10.12.24
Request received:
1. How frequently are bins collected from residential properties? Please provide the frequency for each type of bin and the day it’s collected
2. Is the council considering changing the frequency of bin collections? If so please provide the current frequency as well as the new proposed frequency
Response provided:
- Black wheelie bins and bags for refuse and green wheelie bins for garden waste are fortnightly (alternate weeks) and recycling/food waste is weekly. The Council publishes further information this via its website: Waste and Recycling Procedures Guide
2. No
Request reference: FOI 10278
Issue date: 10.12.24
Request received:
Registration number, Make, Model of all vehicles licensed as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire between 1 August 2024 and 30 November 2024 within North Devon Council
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the requested information in Excel format, which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 10279
Issue date: 10.12.24
Request received:
1. Do you provide modern slavery training to your staff, or cover modern slavery as part of a wider training (e g adult safeguarding, children’s safeguarding etc)? Please answer 'yes, standalone training', 'no', or 'yes, covered as part of other training'
2. If you provide modern slavery training, is it limited to one 'type' of modern slavery or is it general? (e.g. 'modern slavery', or on a specific type like ‘child’ or ‘criminal’ exploitation?)
3. Is your modern slavery training open to all staff?
4. Which of the following training formats do you offer:
e-learning / on-demand module
classroom learning (remote or in-person)
webinar/guest talk. If webinar/guest talk or classroom learning, please share when these trainings have taken place within the past two years
4. What is the duration of the training (if you have access to this information)?
5. Does the training contain any of the following themes? Please highlight which are covered:
- Survivors’ immigration status
- Changes under the Nationality and Borders Act 2022
- How to secure legal representation or emergency accommodation/support for potential victims
- How to complete a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) referral form
-How people with protected characteristics (for example, people of different genders, ages, sexualities, nationalities, and those who are disabled) may experience exploitation
- The need for cultural awareness and sensitivity (a case study/image does not inherently count, unless there is a specific mention or exploration of relevant cultural issues or barriers)
Response provided:
Yes, North Devon Council is providing some Modern Slavery Training to its staff. The training is general, for modern slavery and human trafficking. It is currently not open to all staff as it there are very limited spaces on this specific training, though we have invited key frontline staff who are most likely to encounter it or receive a report. It is an online webinar style training, provided by the South West provider, Unseen UK. We have so far had one 2.5 hour training session on 15.11.2024, which was for non-first responder agencies, and was also offered to our partners in the VCS sector. We have a further two, 2.5 hour sessions scheduled with Unseen, but for first-responder organisations (us as a local authority), which will take place on 13.12.2024 and 17.12.2024
Themes covered in the training:
Session 1 (non first-responder):
- Survivors’ immigration status
- How to secure legal representation or emergency accommodation/support for potential victims
- How people with protected characteristics (for example, people of different genders, ages, sexualities, nationalities, and those who are disabled) may experience exploitation
- The need for cultural awareness and sensitivity
plus brief overview of the NRM and signposting to local services, helplines and the victim care contract
Session 2 (first responder)
- Survivors’ immigration status
- How to secure legal representation or emergency accommodation/support for potential victims
- How people with protected characteristics (for example, people of different genders, ages, sexualities, nationalities, and those who are disabled) may experience exploitation
- The need for cultural awareness and sensitivity
plus LA responsibilities/legal duties under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and overview of the NRM, helplines and the victim care contract
Session 3 (first responder)
- How to complete a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) referral form
Those who will respond to an incident of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking are attending all seminars, training, and meetings made available in order to continue our education and awareness on the matter
Request reference: FOI 10281
Issue date: 30.12.24
Request received:
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3RU
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 10284
Issue date: 16.12.24
Request received:
For the financial years 2022/2 and 2023/2, what budget was allocated to diversity, equality and inclusion efforts? This could include for events, programmes, training, awareness and so on; this also could include efforts directed either externally toward the public, or internally toward staff, the public sector workplaces, work culture etc)
Response provided:
The Council confirms that it provides specific equality, diversity and inclusion training every three years to all staff (although other training which could be captured by this title also takes place in the meantime e g mental health, menopause etc)
Training was also provided to our Senior Management Team and newly elected Councillors
For spend specifically related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion the Council spent the following:
2022/23 = £1,188.00
2023/24 = £6,076.15
Request reference: FOI 10285
Issue date: 23.12.24
Request received:
In Excel, CSV or PDF format, a list of all vehicles licensed as Hackney Carriage and Private Hire registered between January 2014 and December 2023 with your authority, providing the following for each:
Date of issue
Registration Plate or VIN
Licence Expiry Date
Type of Use
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the request data in Excel format, which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 10287
Issue date: 19.12.24
Request received:
1. How many private water supplies do you have within your district?
2. How many commercial private water supplies do you have within your district?
3. Please break down how many commercial premises you have within each category holiday lets/rentals restaurants/cafes/bars Camp sites Schools/hospitals Leisure centre/Other
4. Does the same department deal with infectious disease outbreaks and private water supplies?
5. If it is not the same department dealing with private water supplies and infectious disease outbreaks, do you have a reporting tool to notify each other if there was a failure linked to a commercial private water supply?
6. Are the team responsible for infectious disease outbreaks aware of all the commercial private water supplies within the district?
7. How many bacterial failures have you had in commercial private water supplies over the last 5 years?
8. Have you ever been notified of an outbreak linked to a commercial private water supply? If yes, how many people where affected and what was the cause?
Response provided:
1. 1,217
2. 246
3. Bed and Breakfast = 5
Boarding School = 2
Café/Restaurant = 7
Campsite = 12
Fish Farm = 1
Food Producer = 6
Holiday Accommodation = 136
Hotel = 4
Mixed Commercial = 5
Outdoor Activity = 2
Rented Property = 56
Public House = 5
Care Home = 1
Holiday Park = 1
Residential Park = 1
Timeshare = 2
4. No
5. No specific tool, though procedure in place
6. No
7. 39
8. No
Request reference: FOI 10289
Issue date: 30.12.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX18 7BQ
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 10290
Issue date: 16.12.24
Request received:
The total number of letters issued to individual households in Lynton by North Devon Council regarding bins being blown away during Category Red Storm Darragh, which occurred from 6th -11th December 2024
Response provided:
The applicant was informed that the letter they received was as a result of a complaint being received from a member of the public regarding their bins not being brought in after collection, however all personal data that would otherwise identify them was redacted/withheld in accordance with Section 40 of the Act
Request reference: FOI 10293
Issue date: 18.12.24
Request received:
- How many Cemeteries are there in your district?
- How many Cemeteries are managed by the district?
- How many are managed by a contractor?
- What was the contract start date? (approximate is fine)
- When will the contract be due for renewal? (approximate is fine)
- What is the current contract value?
- Who is your current provider?
- What types of services are provided in this current contract?
- Is the grave digging done by hand or by machine?
- What machine is used to carry out the grave digging?
Response provided:
1. The Council does not maintain a definitive list of cemeteries within the district.
2. North Devon Council manages Bear Street, Barnstaple and Marlborough Road, Ilfracombe cemeteries within the district
3. Zero
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
7. N/A
8. N/A
9. Grave digging is under taken by machine
10. Mini excavator
Request reference: FOI 10297
Issue date: 19.12.24
Request received:
A copy of the report for the five Star score on the door at Challacombe Post office and stores
Response provided:
Applicant provided with a copy, with all personal data redacted in accordance with Section 40 of the Act
Request reference: FOI 10298
Issue date: 19.12.24
Request received:
The following information regarding funerals arranged by the Council under Section 46 Public Health Act 1984 (England and Wales) and Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act 2002 (Scotland):
- How many such funerals has the Council arranged since 13 June 2024?
In each case please disclose:
a) The name and last residential address of the deceased
b) The deceased’s dates of birth and death
c) Whether the deceased’s next of kin/family members have been traced
d) Whether the deceased’s estate has been referred to the Government Legal Department or elsewhere
2. Has the Council passed this information to any other individual or organisation (either formally through a FOI request or by other means)?
3. Does the Council work with any genealogist? If so, which?
4. Does the Council publish a list of Public Health Funerals it has arranged? Yes If so:
a) Where is the list published (please provide web url if on-line)?
b) How often is the list updated? Monthly, as stated on the dataset linked above
c) When was the list updated last?
5. Who in the Council is responsible for the Council’s Public Health Funerals? Please advise us of their names and contact details
Response provided:
1. This information is published within the Council’s Monthly public health funeral dataset
a) The full name of the deceased is published within the dataset, however the Council only publishes the first part of the Postcode of the last address of the deceased. The Council considers that publication or disclosure under the FOI of the full address would likely prejudice the prevention and detection of crime as those properties are likely to be unoccupied and may still contain valuables, cash and other personal effects that would be vulnerable to criminal activity. Any assets of the deceased must be secured and so the disclosure of this information, together with the information that is published, may lead to arson, theft and cause loss to the unsecured estates
The ICO recognises that there is a strong public interest in avoiding likely prejudice to the prevention of crime, and in this case would be likely to include a diverse range from anti-social behaviour, criminal damage, arson, organised groups stripping empty properties to identity fraud and crimes that can be committed using false information. Furthermore, it recognises that tackling issues such as these involve a significant amount of public expense and believes it is in the public interest to protect property and to ensure that public resources are used efficiently. There is also a strong public interest in avoiding personal distress to the direct victims of the crime and in the case of crime related to empty properties, to those in the wider neighbourhoods who may also be affected; therefore this is exempt from disclosure under Section 31 of the Act
b) Applicant referred to the published dataset
c) As b) above
d) As b) above, referral to Treasury Solicitor column
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes a) as 1) above
b) Monthly, as stated on the dataset linked above
c) The date of the last update is stated on the dataset
5. Environmental Protection Team
Request reference: FOI 10299
Issue date: 19.12.24
Request received:
A copy of the Council’s Food Safety Inspection Report for Edenmore Nursing Home dated 08.11.24
Response provided:
Applicant provided with a copy, with some personal data redacted under Section 40 of the Act
Request reference: FOI 10300
Issue date: 20.12.24
Request received:
1. a) What percentage biodiversity net gain does your local authority currently require?
2. a) How many employees are currently directly employed by the authority to specifically/solely support the delivery of BNG requirements?
2. b) Has the local authority created any new positions specifically to support the delivery of BNG requirements since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
2. c) If so, please provide the job titles and whether these roles are temporary or permanent
3. a) Has your authority invested in specific training or upskilling for existing staff to manage BNG assessments, requirements, or policies since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
3. b) If so, how much money has been invested in specific training or upskilling for existing staff to manage BNG assessments, requirements, or policies in total since 1 April 2023?
4. a) Has your authority hired external consultants or third-party experts to assist with BNG implementation since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
4. b) If so, how much has been spent on external consultants or third-party experts to assist with BNG implementation since 1 April 2023?
5. a) Has any additional budget been allocated specifically for implementing or enforcing BNG requirements? (Yes/no)
Response provided:
1. a) 10% for non-exempt applications
2. a) One b) No c) Not Applicable
3. a) Yes
3. b) Training and upskilling carried out on the job, using free resources such as PAS, etc
4. a) No b) No
5. a) No
Request reference: FOI 10305
Issue date: 30.12.24
Request received:
Copies of all planning applications by North Devon Hospital
Response provided:
Applicant directed to the Council’s Planning Tracker which publishes this information for North Devon District Hospital