Our Chair is Councillor Helen Walker.
The role of a committee chair is to perform the following main functions:
- To lead on organising the work programme of the committee to which they have been appointed and ensure within the terms of the council's scheme of delegation that the programme has been completed
- To act as service champion for the functions falling within the remit of the committee
- To chair formal and informal meetings connected with the work of the committee and ensure that such meetings are conducted fairly, efficiently and in accordance with standing orders and other legislative requirements
- To ensure that members are kept informed regarding the committee's activities and work programme
- To identify and facilitate the development and training needs of the committee collectively and its individual members
In order to perform the above role a chairman will need to fulfil the following responsibilities:
- In consultation with members, officers and other stakeholders bring appropriate work programmes to the committee for approval in accordance with its terms of reference
- To ensure that such work programmes are completed effectively and efficiently by those charges with specific tasks in accordance with relevant schemes of delegations
- To agree in consultation with members and officers agendas for all relevant meetings
- To chair formal and informal meetings connected with the work of the committee in accordance with standing orders and other legislative requirements
- To ensure that meetings are conducted in an efficient and appropriate manner that encourages contributions from all committee members
- To ensure that the committee reaches clear decisions that are capable of implementation and in accordance with legislation and the general policies of the council
- To maintain awareness of national and local issues pertinent to the committee and its work
- To co-operate in full with the council's scrutiny process
- To ensure that the council, Executive, members and the community are kept appropriately informed regarding the work and activities of the committee and any issues that may affect it
- To keep under review, advise of an agree the training and development requirements of the committee and its individual members
- To liaise with other bodies as appropriate to ensure the success of the committee's work programme
- To maintain knowledge of and act in accordance with relevant legislation and the councils own constitution and protocols as regards decision making, codes of conduct, ethical government, member/officer relationships etc
- To undertake such training as may be appropriate in performing the role