Public questions

Under our Constitution any member of the public who is on the North Devon District Council's Register of Electors may ask a question of any meeting of the Executive, the Council and its Committees.

Questions must be in writing and submitted to Democratic Services, North Devon Council, PO Box 379, Barnstaple, EX32 2GR at least nine clear working days before the date of the meeting. For a list of scheduled meetings, please visit our meetings page.

A public question may only be asked if notice of the public question has been submitted:

(a) in writing giving clear details of the intended question and the reasons for the question;

(b) by a person who is a registered local government elector within the District;

(c) that makes clear to whom the question is directed (being the Chairman of a meeting, the Leader or an Executive Member);

(d) that contains a contact name, address and telephone number;

(e) identified the meeting of the Council to which it is intended to be put.

The question must not:

(a) relate to an application (ie. planning, licensing etc) to be considered by Full Council but may ask that question to another appropriate Committee.

(b) relate to the appointment, promotion, dismissal, remuneration, superannuation, conditions of service or conduct of any person employed by the Council.

For the avoidance of doubt, members of the public who wish to raise a question relating to the conduct of staff should be referred to the Corporate Complaints Procedure. In relation to matters other than conduct, members of the public shall address their questions in writing to the Chief Executive and if the question relates to that postholder, it shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Council.

(c) relate to the conduct of Councillors.

For the avoidance of doubt, members of the public who wish to raise such a question, shall do so in writing addressed to the Chairman of the Council, the Chief Executive or the Monitoring Officer.

You must attend the meeting to put your question and you will receive a response at that meeting.

If you would like any further information regarding public questions, please contact us.