Anti-social behaviour

Information and advice on handling anti-social behaviour

What is Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB?

ASB refers to a variety of behaviours that have a negative impact on other people. It is defined as behaviour that causes or is likely to cause ‘harassment, alarm, distress, nuisance or annoyance’ to any person.

Where should I report ASB?

Whilst we take reports seriously, we are not the lead agency for dealing with ASB. We work closely with the Police and other community safety partner agencies such as the Fire Service, and Registered Social Landlords to deal with ASB. 

If you have concerns that you, or someone else is at immediate risk – or that a crime is being committed - you should call 999 to report this to the emergency services.

If you are the tenant of a social housing provider and the ASB relates to the property you occupy, contact your landlord in the first instance.

ASB reported to the council

Any reports concerning environmental ASB should be made to our customer services team on 01271 388870, who will arrange for this to be passed to a council Officer for investigation.  The Investigating Officer will keep you appraised of any progress with the investigation.

If the matter is not able to be resolved informally, a number of more formal approaches may be able to be taken – dependent on the nature of the evidence gathered.

Using the Anti-Social Behaviour App

This is a new service that has been designed to simplify the reporting and investigation of ASB.  You can only register to use the app if there is an open investigation with our Environmental Protection Team.  The app allows you to send evidence to the Investigating Officer instantly – for example photographs and GPS locations of the event.

The app is available to download for iPhone.

The Community Trigger

The Community Trigger has been introduced as part of the Anti-Social, Crime and Policing Act 2014.  It offers the victims of anti-social behaviour the opportunity to request that their case is reviewed. Read more about the Community Trigger, what it will be used for and how/when you can put in a Community Trigger application.