We have signed a Site Management Agreement (SMA) (PDF, 459KB) with the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) surrounding the provision of fundraising in Barnstaple Town Centre by way of direct debit collections.
At this time, Barnstaple is the sole town centre for which we have signed such an agreement (the specific area of which can be found on the plan as set out in the SMA.
The SMA applies to members of the IoF and puts restrictions in place in terms of the frequency of collections, hours of collection and the maximum number of fundraisers. There are also other additional conditions, for example in providing a ‘comfort zone’.
The diary system for IoF members is now maintained by IoF rather than us and therefore for further detail on how to book a collection date, please contact IoF directly.
The IoF will provide access to their diary for non-members proposing to undertake direct debit collections in order to help alleviate any potential clashes.
For direct debit collections proposed outside of the SMA area, we are happy to place these in our street collection diary and provide information as to other charities who may have booked street collection permits or placed direct debit collections in the diary, to help alleviate any potential clashes.
Contact information for Institute of Fundraising
Visit the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) website