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Plans and policies
- Advertising policy (PDF, 174KB)
- Business Plan (PDF, 654KB)
- Commercial boat operators advertising policy (PDF, 202KB)
- Edge Protection Policy & Audit 2023 (PDF, 495KB)
- Harbour Byelaws (PDF, 229KB)
- Statement of Compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code (PDF, 30KB)
- Swimming Byelaw (PDF, 147KB)
- Personal Watercraft Policy (PDF, 267KB)
- Marine Safety Management System (PDF, 898KB)
- Marine Safety Plan (PDF, 615KB)
- Marine Emergency Plan (PDF, 551KB)
- Waste Management Plan (PDF, 1.18MB)
- Training Policy (PDF, 678KB)
- Winter Storage Policy (PDF, 101KB)
- Enforcement and Prosecution Policy (PDF, 740KB)
- Environmental Management Plan (PDF, 742KB)
Standard operating procedures