Recycling A to Z index

What can and can't be recycled beginning with J-L

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Japanese Knotweed

The noxious weed, Japanese Knot, must not be added to your garden bin (green bin). Such weed must be securely sealed in strong bags and placed in the general waste. More information on noxious weeds can be found on Devon County Council's website.


Re-use jars where possible, eg. for preserving food or as containers for small items such as pins or screws. Jars can be recycled along with other glass in your blue recycling box (rinsed with lids on, please). They can also be taken to your local recycling centre and glass bottle recycling banks.

Junk mail

Recycle wherever possible, at home it can go into your green bag (please remove any plastic wrapping, but plastic windows can be left in). Junk mail can also be taken to any paper bank or local recycling centre.

Alternatively, find out how you can stop receiving junk mail on Recycle Devon's webpage Junk Mail Getting you Down?.

Juice cartons 

Juice cartons and tetra paks are made up of a number of components which are layered: paperboard (made from wood), polyethylene (a type of plastic) and aluminium. Currently these are not accepted in your kerbside recycling service, but they can be recycled at your local recycling centre in one of their special collection banks.




Small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) such as kettles, toasters and mobile phones. Loose cables (mobile phone and computer cables) can also be recycled in your green/black recycling box. All items should be no larger than a standard-sized carrier bag

Kitchen waste

All your food waste including cooked and uncooked scraps, tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit and veg peelings, bread, pasta, cereals, egg shells, dairy products, bones, plate scrapings, meat and fish should be placed into your kerbside caddy. This is sent to an anaerobic digestion plant where it is converted into electricity. Food waste cannot be taken to the recycling centre.


Unwanted kitchen knives should be put in your black wheelie bin, but please package the knives securely so as not to cause injury to anyone. One way of doing this is by cutting open the top of a flexible plastic drink bottle and place the knives inside, points downwards after wrapping them in newspaper first. This can then safely be put in the bin.

Metal knives can also be taken to your local recycling centre and placed in the skip for scrap metal. Please do not put them out for collection with your household recycling.



Light bulbs 

There are three main kinds household light bulb; old-style filament bulbs, energy-saving bulbs (CFLs), and LEDs. None of these can be recycled alongside glass, but can be brought to a recycling centre. Some energy-saving light bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, so these should be recycled wherever possible. LED bulbs last longest, have the smallest environmental impact, and don't contain dangerous chemicals.